Conversation - Present Continuous/Simple Present


Read the question and then answer it.
Laynne Cris Andrade
Flashcards by Laynne Cris Andrade, updated more than 1 year ago
Laynne Cris Andrade
Created by Laynne Cris Andrade about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are you doing now? I'm doing...
What are you studying? I'm studying...
What do you do to stay healthy? Well, I...
What kind of exercise do you usually do? I usually...
Are you eating a lot of fast food these days? Yes, I'm eating... / No, I'm not eating...
How often do you go out? I (adverbs)...
Are you reading some interesting books these days? Yes, I'm reading...
Do you like to travel? Where would you like to visit someday? Yes/No... I like... I would like to visit...
What do you do on Sundays morning? On Sundays morning I usually....
Who do you like to go out with? I like to travel with...
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