Unit 1 Chemistry Test


11th grade Chemistry Flashcards on Unit 1 Chemistry Test, created by Greta Neal on 10/31/2022.
Greta Neal
Flashcards by Greta Neal, updated more than 1 year ago
Greta Neal
Created by Greta Neal almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Fusion fusing together, put together, 2 or more nuclei collide at very high energy and fuse together
Fission splitting apart, neutron slams into a larger atom, forcing it to excite and split into two smaller atoms
Supernova the brilliant explosion of a dying supergiant star
Big bang created... ... hydrogen & helium
Supernova creates... ... elements past iron
Small stars make... ... carbon, nitrogen & oxygen
Big stars make... ... up to iron
Particulate itty bitty, can't see even with microscope
Macroscopic Big, can see
Microscopic small, can see with microscope
Gas independent of one another, random movement
Liquid particles move freely, but clump
Solid particles vibrate in fixed positions
Key players in atomic model Dalton, J.J. Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr, Schrodinger
Isotope different variation of the same element, the mass can vary due to neutrons
Charge number of protons + electrons. More protons = positive. More electrons = negative.
Ion different amount of protons and electrons = has a charge
Proton positive, tells you the element
Mass Number Protons + neutrons
Atomic Number number of protons = tells you the element
Neutron subatomic particle in nucleus, stability, no charge, neutral, positive and negative cancels out
Electron negative subatomic particle, weighs 0
Atomic number stands for... ... how many protons the atom has
Atomic symbol is... ... letter that stands for which atom it is
atomic weight refers to... ... protons added to neutrons
Bohr Models
Electron configuration distribution of electrons of an atom or molecule in atomic or molecular orbitals
Atomic radius
Ionization energy energy it takes to remove or add electrons from an atom
Electronegativity chemical property that describes the tendency of an atom or functional group to attract electrons towards itself
Valence electrons electron in the outer shell associated with an atom, and that can participate in the formation of a chemical bond if the outer shell is not closed
Why would an element want to gain electrons? To completely fill the outer ring (8).
Why would an element want to lose electrons? If there is an outer ring with only 1 electron, and the ring previous is full, it would want to lose it to have a full outer shell.
A group is... ... up and down
A period is... ... left and right
Why does radius increase as you go down the periodic table? There is an addition of rings
Why does ionization energy increase as you go across the rows? If all rings are filled, they keep all their electrons, higher energy and hold on electrons
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