Chapter 19 Key Terms


Flashcards on Chapter 19 Key Terms, created by Dan Huber on 09/10/2022.
Dan Huber
Flashcards by Dan Huber, updated more than 1 year ago
Dan Huber
Created by Dan Huber about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Assessed Value Value of a property that an assessor sets (usually a percent of property's market value) that is used in calculating property taxes.
Excise Tax Tax that government levies on particular products and services. Tax on specific luxury items or nonessentials.
Mill 1/10 of a cent or 1/1,000 of a dollar. In decimal, it is .001. In application: Property tax due = Mills x .001 x Assessed valuation.
Personal Property Items of possession, like cars, home, furnishings, jewelry, and so on. These are taxed by the property tax (don't forget real property is also taxed).
Property Tax A tax that raises revenue for school districts, cities, counties, and the like.
Real Property Land, buildings, and so on, which are taxed by the property tax.
Sales Tax Tax levied on consumers for certain sales of merchandise or services by states, counties, or various local governments.
Tax Rate Budget needed / Total assessed value
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