English Essay Revision


Flashcards on English Essay Revision, created by callies12 on 20/11/2013.
Flashcards by callies12, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by callies12 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the main persuasive techniques? Rhetorical Questions, Alliteration, Emotive language, Repetition, Exaggeration.
What does LPT stand for? Lead into the essay, Plot summary and Thesis.
What does TEEET stand for? Topic sentence, elaboration, evidence from the text, explanation and tie-back.
What does RSL stand for? Restate your thesis, Summarise and lead out of the essay.
What are the features of persuasive writing? Facts, Opinions, Rhetorical Devices, Emotive language. Generalisations, cliches, alliteration, exaggeration
What are the 4 roles of the reader? 1. Text User 2. Code Breaker 3. Meaning Maker 4. Text Analyst
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