

Flashcards on LB_2weeks_L06, created by Rita Bitar on 09/08/2022.
Rita Bitar
Flashcards by Rita Bitar, updated more than 1 year ago
Rita Bitar
Created by Rita Bitar over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
كانت was (fem.)
رحلة trip
كيف كانت رحلة بعلبك؟ how was the trip to Baalbek?
كانت حلوة it was beautiful
كثير a lot
انبسطنا كثير we had so much fun!
أيمتى؟ when?
أيمتى رجعتوا؟ when did you return?(pl.)
مبارح yesterday
مبارح بالليل last night
أولادك your kids
أولادك انبسطوا؟ did your kids have fun?
هنّي they
انبسطوا كثير they had a lot of fun
تعبانين tired (pl.)
مشينا we walked
إنتَ بتحكي you speak (masc.)
عربي Arabic
منيح well
بتحكي عربي منيح you speak Arabic well
وين درست؟ where did you study?(masc.)
درست I studied
المعهد الدّبلوماسي FSI
تابع لـ... affiliated with...
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