Serbian Basic Course Unit 2 Day 4 Cyrillic


Fsi language Serbian Flashcards on Serbian Basic Course Unit 2 Day 4 Cyrillic, created by FSI Serbian on 25/07/2022.
FSI Serbian
Flashcards by FSI Serbian, updated 3 days ago
FSI Serbian
Created by FSI Serbian almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
шаље send
слати to send
прима receives
примати to receive
предмет m. subject
основна школа elementary school
средња школа high school
помоћ f. help
лакше easier
аташе за културу cultural attaché
каријерни дипломата career diplomat
преселити се to move, to relocate
завршити to finish, to complete
међународни international
међународни односи international relations
последипломске студије post graduate studies
право n. law
запослити се to get a job
мали, -а,-о small, little
правница f. lawyer (female)
отац m. father
мајка f. mother
сестра f. sister
двадесет осам twenty-eight
у току during
област f. area, field
култура f. culture
из области културе from the culture field
Како иде? How goes it?
некако somehow
требати have to, need to, ought to
дакле so, then, consequently
још still, yet, as yet
неко someone
болничарка f. nurse (female)
молим... please...
име n. first name
презиме n. last name
значити to mean
заиста really, indeed, in fact, truly
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