Croatian_Unit 17_Day 2


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Flashcards on Croatian_Unit 17_Day 2, created by FSI Croatian on 24/07/2022.
FSI Croatian
Flashcards by FSI Croatian, updated 12 months ago
FSI Croatian
Created by FSI Croatian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
saznavati / saznati to find out
vladati to rule
pobjednik winner
pobjeđivati / pobijediti to win
pomak na bolje positive movement, improvement
ispunjavati / ispuniti očekivanja to fulfill expectations
povjerenje trust, confidence
slabiti / oslabiti to weaken
protivnik opponent
manje zlo lesser evil
savjest f. conscience
razočaran, razočarana disappointed
Bilo kako bilo... Be as it may...
Nema šanse! No chance!
Budi sretan ako... Be happy if...
buran, burna, burno tumultuous
iznenađivati / iznenaditi to surprise
sasvim completely
dobrobit (f.) wellbeing, wellfare
prepreka obstacle
skupina group
iskorijenjivati / iskorijeniti to root out
uhvatiti se u koštac s to wrestle with
zdravstvena skrb health care
pristup zdravstvenoj skrbi access to health care
priuštiti si to afford
osnovne potrepštine bare necessities
išta anything at all
svađati se / posvađati se to argue
ostajati / ostati to stay
švercati / prošvercati to smuggle
Nije im pošlo za rukom. They were not able to do it.
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