Unit 04_Grammar for Fluency_Comparison_ _lebih + adjective + daripada ..._ (in context) - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Grammar For Fluency) Flashcards on Unit 04_Grammar for Fluency_Comparison_ _lebih + adjective + daripada ..._ (in context) - Sheet1, created by SLS Indonesian on 27/05/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Kota New York lebih besar daripada Washington DC. New York city is bigger than Washington DC.
Toko ini lebih mahal daripada toko itu. This store is more expensive than that store.
Hotel ini lebih mewah daripada hotel itu. This hotel is more luxurious than that hotel.
Nasi goreng saya lebih pedas daripada nasi goreng Anda. My fried rice is spicier than your fried rice.
Mobil dia lebih baru daripada mobil saya. His car is newer than my car.
Kemeja batik ini lebih halus daripada kemeja batik itu. This batik shirt is more refined than that batik shirt.
Lukisan ini lebih indah daripada lukisan itu. This painting is more beautiful than that painting.
Mebel ini lebih kuat daripada mebel itu. This furnitureis stronger than that furniture.
Makanan ini lebih enak daripada makanan itu. This food is more delicious than that food.
Bioskop ini lebih modern daripada bioskop itu. This movie theater is more modern than that movie theater.
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