Anatomy Tissues


reanna geary
Flashcards by reanna geary, updated more than 1 year ago
reanna geary
Created by reanna geary almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
apical surface top layer, unattached, exposed.
basal surface bottom, attached
basement membrane nonliving, reinforces and anchors epithelial tissue
blood supply for epithelial tissue avascular
how do cells regenerate in epithelial tissue carry out cell division and produce new cells
simple 1 layer
stratified 2 or more layers
pseudostrattified looks like many layers but is one
squamous flat
cuboidal cube/square
columnar collumn/tall
transitional shape can change
simple squamous epitheliam description: single layer- flat thin cells function : allows substances to pass through easily LOCATION: air sacs of lungs and serous membrane
simple cuboidal epithelium description: single layer of cubelike cells Function: secretion and/or absorption Location: kidney tubules
simple columnar epithelium description: single layer of tall cells function: absorption and secretion location: lining digestive tract, stomach to anus
stratified squamous epithelium description: many layers of cells, top layer(s) is flat. funtion: protects underlying tissues kertanized location: epidermis nonkeratinized location: lining oral cavity, esophagus, and vagina.
keratin structural protein. fills snd hardens cells
transitional epithelium changes shape and stretches description: several layers of cells. tops cells change shape. (round-flat) function: stretches easily- qlloes for organ distention location: lining urinary bladder and organs
pseudostrattified columnar epithelium description: lookd like several layers but is only one. function: secretion of mucus and cillia action location : lining trachea
gland one or more cells that make and secrete a product
exocrine gland description: secretes a product out through a duct ex: sweat glands, salivary glands, mammary glands and sebaceous glands
goblet cell single cell that makes and secretes mucus
endocrine gland description: have no duct function: to make and secrete hormones directly into the blood stream ex: thyroid, adrenal, pituitary
connective tissue most abbundant tissue type arise from mesenchyme tissue. cells are seperated by a matrix. matric consist of fibers that add strength, and ground substance that holds everything together. blood supply varies. and types of cells varies.
collagen fibers thick, tough, resist tearing
elastic fibers stretch and recoil
reticular fibers thinnest, form a delicate network
areolar matrix: watery gel, all 3 fibers present. cells: fibroblast (fiber immature and active) function: wraps and cushions organs. site of inflammation location: many places, widely distributed. underneath epithelial tissue
adipose tissue FAT Description: matrix- very little. cells: adipocytes function: energy reserve. insulates against heat loss. padding for delicate organs.
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