13 Visiteurs internationaux 1.3


Flashcards on 13 Visiteurs internationaux 1.3, created by EUA French on 30/12/2021.
EUA French
Flashcards by EUA French, updated more than 1 year ago
EUA French
Created by EUA French about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
to meet / to get acquainted faire la connaissance de
to have to falloir
school fees / tuition les frais de scolarité
counter / window un guichet
it's better to / it's best to il est préférable de
to get involved s' impliquer
proof / evidence un justificatif
bachelor's degree une licence
housing / accomodation un logement
leisure activities / spare time les loisirs
to master / to control maîtriser
rural areas un milieu rural
minor mineur /mineure
level un niveau
to obtain / to get obtenir
to take care of / to be in charge of s' occuper de
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