OSCA and Ax prep quiz questions Stage 2


Stage 2 Flashcards on OSCA and Ax prep quiz questions Stage 2, created by Tafe Teachers SB on 26/05/2021.
Tafe Teachers SB
Flashcards by Tafe Teachers SB, updated more than 1 year ago
Tafe Teachers SB
Created by Tafe Teachers SB about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the acronym used for verbal handover? ISBAR
Normal BP range? Systolic 100-140mmHg Diastolic 60-90mmHg
Normal RR range? 12-20/min
Normal HR range? 60-100bpm
Normal temp range? 36.1-37.4 degrees celcius
Normal SpO2 range? 95-100%
Acceptable SpO2 range for most COPD patient's? 88-92% but still score on QADDs unless Doctor has prescribed QADDs modifications
What are the rights and checks of drug administration? Patient Drug Dose Route Time Reason Refuse Response Check expiry, allergies and documentation
What is the meaning of Stat? Immediately
What is the meaning of XR? Extended release
What is the meaning of Neb? Nebuliser
What is the meaning of QID? 4 times a day
What is the meaning of 6/24? every 6 hours
What is the meaning of OD? Once daily
What is the meaning of 1/24? every 1 hour
What is the meaning of TDS? 3 times a day
What is the meaning of Q12h? 12 hourly
Subcutaneous injection: needle colour size angle site orange 25g 27g (insulin needle) 45 or 90 degrees subcutaneous tissue - abdomen, thigh (there are other areas but try these first)
Intramuscular injection: needle colour size angle site blue or green blue - 23g, green 21g 90 degrees deltoid (up to 1.5mL) or vastus lateralis
Drawing up needle: needle colour size angle site pink 18g sharp to pierce vial blunt for non-vial use
What is one thing we do for IMI that we do not do for subcut and why? Aspirate and swab Fat is less vascular than muscle so even less chance of hitting blood vessel Change of infection less likely (note - do not inject into visibly soiled area) Aspirate and/or swab if the facility policy states to do so
How would you perform a pain assessment on an unconscious patient or a patient with dementia? Abbey pain scale Wong-baker faces
Where would you find medications if they are not in the patient's draw? Medication room / pharmacy
2 signs and symptoms a patient might show if suffering from chest pain Chest pain - could be localised or radiating Pain radiating down arm, to jaw, retrosternal Heavy and/or sharp pain Diaphoresis Vomiting
What 2 things must you check before giving GTN? Pain assessment Blood pressure (must be above 100mmHg) Medication rights and checks
2 signs and symptoms of a patient experiencing acute respiratory distress and what medication you would administer Increased work of breathing Increased respiratory rate Decreased SpO2 Nasal flaring Pallor Cyanosis Change to breathing sound eg. wheezing, stridor, crackles Medication - salbutamol and/or oxygen but check with RN and/or Doctor FIRST
5 nursing actions if a patient has a reaction (rash) to an IV antibiotic Stop the infusion Staff assist or if safe to leave, get RN Primary survey (DRSABCDE) - this includes assessing the rash, you could also mark the rash with a surgical marker Secondary survey (includes vitals)
2 indicators that make it appropriate for a MET call / code? Non-responsive Threatened airway Respiratory rate < 8 / min Seizure > 2 min Chest pain patient with systolic BP <100mmHg and/or still with chest pain after 3 rounds GTN
Identify 2 signs and symptoms of fluid overload and what medication you would administer Increased work of breathing Increased respiratory rate Decreased SpO2 Pallor Cyanosis Change to breathing sound eg. crackles (audible or with stethoscope) Medication - frusemide and/or oxygen but check with RN and/or Doctor FIRST
List 3 things you would check when observing an IVC site Pain Redness/erythema Swelling Palpable venous cord Pyrexia Infiltration Extravasation Dressing intact
Your patient's IV pump alarms saying occlusion downstream. What is the possible cause? Anything that has occluded the IV line - Kink in the line Clamp on Patient bending (kinking site)
Normal BGL range? 4-8mmol/L
3 components of neurological assessment? GCS Motor strength PUPIL response Fontanelles (but only in infants / children up to approximately 18 months)
3 components of neurovascular assessment? Pain Colour Warmth Movement Sensation Pulse
What would you do if BGL 3.5mmol/L Staff assist > notify RN and Doctor Follow hypoglycaemia algorhythm (back of BGL monitoring and subcutaneous insulin documentation) Hypo kit / IM glucose or IV glucose but order per RN / Doctor FIRST
2 signs and symptoms of a narcotised patient? Drowsiness Confusion Decreased level of consciousness Decreased respiratory rate Respiratory arrest
What drug will be administered for opioid overdose (narcotised patient)? Naloxone
Define CVA .
Define CAD .
Define angina .
Define angioplaty .
Define bowel resection .
Define COPD .
Define epilepsy .
Define hemiplegia .
Define dysphagia .
Define hypercholesterolemia .
Define HTN .
Define type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) .
Define glaucoma .
Define fluid overload .
Define abbreviation N/S Normal saline Unacceptable abbreviation - should be 0.9% sodium chloride
Define abbreviation: IVC PIVC Intravenous cannula Peripheral intravenous cannula ^ (same thing)
Define abbreviation BGL's Blood glucose level/s
Define abbreviation HR Hear rate
Define abbreviation #NOF Fractured neck of femur
Define abbreviation NP Nasal prongs
Define abbreviation SOB Shortness of breath
Define abbreviation HTN Hypertension
Define abbreviation CAD Coronary artery disease
Define abbreviation PCA Patient-controlled analgesia
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