Created by alexpatrickdunn
over 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
delicious | delicieux |
boring | ennuyeux |
money | l'argent |
did the cooking | fait la cuisine |
did the washing | lave le linge |
you are so lucky | tu as de la chance |
what a great weekend | quel bon weekend |
with who | avec qui |
what | quel/quelle |
what a day | quelle journee |
what effort | quel boulot |
what did you do on the weekend? | qu'est-ce que tu as fait le weekend? |
did you have a good weekend? | tu as passe un bon weekend? |
cheated | triche |
it was | c'etait |
disobedient/naughty | desobeissant |
visited | rendu visite |
won/earned | gagner |
unhappy | mecontente |
food | nourriture |
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