

Scottish Highers RMPS Flashcards on Buddhism, created by krissy96 on 16/10/2013.
Flashcards by krissy96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by krissy96 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The True Nature of Things It is our ignorance of the true nature of things that leads to suffering. The Buddhist aims is to alleviate ignorance by revealing things as they really are.
Dharma Dharma demands no blind faith, no dogma, no ceremonies and has remained perfectly preserved. Dharma are the teachings and oral lessons passed on from the Buddha
The Soul Buddhists believe there is so unchanging or eternal soul created by God or by any divine Essence. However rebirth does not mean the reincarnation of the same self into a new baby after death.
Samsara Samsara is the circle of suffering that is the destiny of all living things until they achieve Enlightenment and break the pattern of rebirth.
Rebirth It is possible to be reborn into any living being, and even into other spiritual and physical realms - it is the quality of Karma gained in each life that determines the fortune for the next.
Karma Karma is all about action. It is the reflection of our actions, in this life and in previous incarnations.
Three Universal Characteristics Annica - Imperenanence; Anatta - no soul and Dukkha - Suffering. These describe the universal nature of all existence and provides a key to knowledge and understanding which open the way for all Buddhists.
Meditation This is the conscious effort to change how the mind works. It is important because even when we want to make changes it's difficult to control thoughts and desires that make us think, act and experience the wold as we do.
Nirvana The endless cycle of life and death that can only me stopped my Enlightenment. Enlightenment leads to Nirvana which means the end of all craving.
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