English - Vocabulary


New vocabularys in English
Flashcards by bianca_silaman, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bianca_silaman over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Since Desde que (I love to read since I was a kid)
Hang Pendurar (Hang the clothes)
Living room Sala de estar (My aunt bought the picture to hang it in her living room)
Paiter Pintora
Nephew Sobrinho
Grandson Neto
Granddoughter Neta
Father in law Sogro
Mother in law Sogra
Brother in law Cunhado
Sister in law Cunhada
Stepfather Padrasto
Stepmother Madrasta
Grandparents Avós
Generous Generoso
Well-travelled Viajada
Stingy Pão duro
Kind Gentil
Mean Mesquinho
Reliable Confiável
Honest Honesto
Ambitious Ambicioso
Rude Mal educado, grosseiro
Polite Educado
Well-educated Bem educado
Warm-hearted Afetuoso
Lazy Preguiçoso
Outgoing Extrovertido
Easygoing Fácil de lidar
Stubborn Teimoso, cabeça dura
Unreliable Não muito confiável
Deceitful Enganador
Intelligente Inteligente
Impatient Impaciente
Hardworking Trabalhador
Greedy Ganancioso
Ignorant Ignorante
Thoughful Atencioso
Affectionate Amoroso
Arrogant Arrogante
Obnoxious Repugnante
Mess Bagunça
Tidy Arrumado
Shoulders Ombros
Hip Quadril
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