Online Gram Stain Module


Flashcards with images
Flashcards by mattpalmer789, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mattpalmer789 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Which of the following best describes this Gram stain of a sputum specimen? White blood cells, Gram-positive cocci in pairs and chains
This cell is most likely a... white blood cell (PMN)
The Gram-positive objects in this image are most likely... Crystal violet precipitate
This image of a low power field from a sputum Gram stain suggests that... The specimen is adequate
This Gram stain of a male urethral discharge is suggestive of... Gonorrhea
This Gram stain of a female genital specimen is... 'Clue' cell
This image of a Gram stain of a cerebrospinal fluid specimen taken from a two year old child with a fever is best described as ...? White blood cells and Gram-negative rods (short, narrow)
This image contains the following… A) White blood cell(s) B) Epithelial cell(s) C) Gram-positive bacteria D) All of the above D) All of the above
This image of a low power field from a sputum Gram stain suggests that... The specimen is suboptimal and should be rejected.
Which of the following best describes this field from a urine Gram stain? Gram-negative rods (long, narrow)
Which of the following best describes this image of a wound Gram stain? White blood cell(s), Gram-positive cocci in clusters and tetrads, Gram-negative coccobacilli
What can be determined from the results of this Gram stain from a stool specimen? A) The patient has proctitis. B) The patient has food poisoning. C) The patient has an ulcer. D) The patient is infected with a parasite. E) None of the above E) None of the above Explanation: Gram stains of normal stool specimens should contain abundant and varied fecal flora.
This cerebrospinal fluid specimen from a 33 year old male suggests which of the following? Bacterial meningitis
This cell is most likely a ... Lymphocyte
Which of the following best describes this image from a sputum Gram stain? Budding yeasts, cellular debris
Which of the following best describes this image of a joint fluid Gram stain? White blood cell(s), Gram-positive cocci in chains (some overdecolorized)
This image was most likely taken from what specimen site? Genital
Which of the following best describes this image of a Gram stained urine specimen? Budding yeasts and pseudohyphae
Which of the following best describes this image of a wound Gram stain? White blood cells(s), cellular debris, Gram-negative rods (long, narrow)
Which of the following best describes this image of a Gram stained wound specimen? PMN(s), Gram-negative rods (long, narrow)
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