Action Verbs II


can vs. can't
Fatima Godoy
Flashcards by Fatima Godoy, updated more than 1 year ago
Fatima Godoy
Created by Fatima Godoy about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
DRIVE Ricardo can't drive a car.
DANCE (salsa, pop...) Karla can dance salsa music.
PLAY (soccer, basketball...) Eli can play soccer very well.
PLAY (chess, checkers, board games...) Fatima can't play chess. She always loses.
DRAW Brayan can draw anime characters.
COOK Walter can cook just eggs.
RIDE (a bike, a motorcycle, a horse...) Jessica and Mario can ride the bike.
SING Marta can sing beautifully.
SWIM Michael can swim for a lot of time.
PLAY (the guitar, the piano...) Esteban can't play the guitar.
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