Different Stages of the planning process


Marketing Planning Flashcards on Different Stages of the planning process, created by james.bowditch on 23/09/2013.
Flashcards by james.bowditch, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by james.bowditch almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1. Corporate Objectives/business mission SMART Objectives Mission Statement
2. Marketing Audit Cover all main aspects of the marketing activity Investigation of the organisations macro and micro environments Cover the organisation, systems and functions Carried out by a seperate auditing function to avoid bias Information should be obtained from customers and suppliers
3. Setting business and marketing objectives Sub objectives of the corporate ones More tactically based in terms of their description
4. Marketing Strategies Mini plan outlines allowing the implementers to see what the focus and direction will be
5. Marketing Tactics "How are we going to get there" part of the plan Needs to be very precise- step by step guides to all tasks within the plan
Implementation Based on the marketing tactics Should involve consistent monitoring and control
7. Monitoring and Control 1. Set specific performance standards 2. Identify responsibility 3. Evaluate performance against standards 4. Take corrective action by communicating, advising, reassessing and altering
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