

Spanish Vocab List, Section 2 Flashcards on Untitled, created by Devin Barreras on 23/09/2013.
Devin Barreras
Flashcards by Devin Barreras, updated more than 1 year ago
Devin Barreras
Created by Devin Barreras about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Las Afueras Suburbs
Los Aldredores the outskirts
El ayuntamiento city hall
el barrio neighborhood
el centro comercial mall
el cine movie theater
la ciudad the city
la comisaria police station
la discoteca dance club
el edificio building
la estacion train/bus station
el estacionamiento parking lot
el estadio stadium
la parada subway/train/bus stop
la plaza square
el rascacielos skyscraper
la vivienda housing/home
la acera sidewalk
la cuadra city block
la esquina corner
el letrero sign/billboard
el puente bridge
el semaforo traffic light
el trafico traffic
el transporte publico public transportation
cruzar to cross
estar perdido/a to be lost
preguntar el camino to ask for directions
el alcade(sa) mayor
el pasajero passenger
el peaton pedestrian
bajar to go down
convivir to live together
dar un paseo to take a stroll
dar una vuelta to take a walk/ride
disfrutar en to enjoy
doblar to turn
hacer diligencias to do errands
parar to stop
pasarlo/la bien/mal to have a good time/bad time
poblar to settle
quedar to be located
quedarse to stay
recorrer to travel (around a city)
relajarse to relax
residir to reside
subir to go up
la vida nocturna nightlife
atrasado late
cotidiano everyday
inesperado unexpected
lleno full
ruidoso noisy
vacio/a empty
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