Literacy and place


Flashcards on Literacy and place, created by MAYRA ALEJANDRA OTALORA BENAVIDES on 03/05/2020.
Flashcards by MAYRA ALEJANDRA OTALORA BENAVIDES, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by MAYRA ALEJANDRA OTALORA BENAVIDES almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Curricular Justice Curricular Justice in the curriculum design should consider: 1. The interests of the least advantaged. 2. Participation and common schooling. 3. The historical production of inequality.
Curricular Justice in the curriculum design should consider: 1. The interests of the least advantaged. 2. Participation and common schooling. 3. The historical production of inequality. Social Justice through literacy education is conceptualized as redistributive, recognitive, and representative..
Critical literacy from curricular justice involves: 1. Repositioning ss' as researchers of language. 2. Respecting ss' resistance and exploring minority culture constructions of literacy. 3. Problematizing classroom and public texts. . The school and classrooms are material and social places. Places where people are forced to negotiate ways of being, relationships, and ways of acting.
The classroom is constituted as a meeting place with the potential for something new to be negotiated and produced. It becomes a site of collective making about the local area, which is undergoing change. The collaborative multimodal text production is an ideal way to work positively with the unavoidable fact that classrooms are sites of "throwntogetherness", as children's life trajectories find them sharing a classroom together.
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