BVMS 3 - Term II Parasites


Protozoa and Ectoparasites
Flashcards by Marielle83, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Marielle83 almost 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Culicoides (midge)
Tabanus spp.
Haematopota (wings have mottled pattern)
Musca domestica
Stomoxys calcitrans
Glossina morsitans
Glossina pupae
Glossina morsitans
Lucilia (Green Bottle)
Lucilia pupae
Caliphora (Blue Bottle)
Gasterophilus larva
Oestrus ovis larva
Melophagus ovinus (Sheep ked)
Which diseases/pathogens are transmitted by Musca spp. Helminths: Habronema (summer sores), Raillietina (tapeworm), Parafilaria bovicola, Thelazia (eye worms) Bacteria: Moraxella bovis (New Forest Disease)
Ixodes ricinus can transmit which pathogens? Babesia divergens (Red water) Anaplasma (Tick-borne fever) Flavivirus (Louping ill) Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease)
List the characteristics of the Argas genus of ticks which are different from Ixodes Soft tick Mouth parts not visible from above Adults and nymphs feed repeatedly Larvae don't feed on host Mating takes place off the host Drought resistant Can survive up to 2 years without feeding
Which species of tick transmits both types of equine babesiosis? Dermacentor reticulatus
Which type of babesia, small or large, is Babesia canis? Large, pathogenic
For Babesia spp, in which host does the sexual reproduction take place? The tick
Which is the most pathogenic Babesia spp. there is? Babesia bovis Due to release of substances that activate plasma components which increase vascular permeability, vasodilation and intra-vascular coagulation --> circulatory stasis and shock --> destruction of RBC's and tissue anoxia (severe hypoxia)
What is meant by "Enzootic Stability"? Where in a herd; calves have innate resistance and constant pathogen challenge is maintained but balanced by herd immunity, disease hence mild and transient
Treatment for babesiosis? Imidocarb
The 3 main species of Theileria and their hosts? T. annulata - Cattle T. parva - Cattle T. lestoquardi - Sheep/Goats
What is meant by trans-stadial transmission? Infection acquired by one stage of tick and then transmitted by the next e.g. for Theileria parva + annulata
Name the vector for Ehrlichia ruminantum The 3-host ornate hard tick Amblyomma
List the measures of control of tick borne disease Immunity (Enzootic stability) Vaccination against disease Resistance (breeding work) Eradication Dipping Vaccination against ticks Pastures control (burning/spelling) (Mnemonic: Insane Vikings Ruled Europe's Deep Vast Pastures)
Clinical symptoms of Nagana? Muscle wasting Anaemia Reduced milk production
Trypanosoma transmission vector? Tsetse fly T. vivax also other biting flies
Which Trypanosoma species has no sexual reproduction? T. vivax
Why is it NOT possible to create a vaccine against Trypanosoma spp? Short stumpy form in mammals have Variable Surface Glycoprotein (VSG) coat with antigenic variation - by time Ig is created some will have changed coat and avoided getting destroyed
List the control measures against Trypanosoma Trypanocidal drugs Tsetse insecticides/traps/sterile male release Breeding of trypano-tolerant cattle
HAT - clinical signs? Organomegaly Cardiac GI Neurologic (coma and death if untreated)
How is Trypanosoma evansi transmitted? Via coitus (in horses)
Treatment against Neospora caninum in dogs? Clindamycin
Describe the life cycle of Sarcocystis FH eats sarcocyst - bradyzoites released - infect SI cell, directly form macro and microgametes - fuse to oocyst - sporulation in gut - released in faeces - IMH eats sporocyst - invade endothelial cells of mesenteric a. - asexual repro forming schizonts - merozoite produced and released - invades leukocytes schizont formed and produce merozoites - merozoites invade muscle cell - form bradyzoite within a sarcocyst
What drug(s) would you use for treating sheep scab (Psoroptes ovis)? Injectible Moxidectin, Ivermectin or Doramectin Organophosphate dipping (Diazinon)
Psoroptes ovis life cycle? Female lay eggs (1-5 per day) Larvae Protonymph Deutonymph, male female attachment Adults Eggs 11-14 days
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