Created by clifflaura
over 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
What does Maestoso mean? | Majestic |
What does Sostenuto mean? | Sustained |
What does Pizzicato mean? | Plucked |
What does Arco mean? | It tells the player to play with the bow. It is usually used after a pizzicato indication. |
What does Cantabile mean? | Singing |
What does Espressivo mean? | expressive(ly) |
What is does Poco mean? | Little or slight. |
What does Molto mean? | Much, very or a lot. |
What is a phrase? | A phrase is a unit of melody, like a clause or sentence in language, with some degree of completeness in harmonic direction and cadence. |
How long does the average phase go for? | Four bars. |
What is a motif? | A motif is a small unit of melody and/or rhythm, which may be repeated, developed or varied. |
What does Leggiero mean? | Light |
What does mezzo staccato mean? | Moderately detached |
What does Sempre mean? | Always |
What does Senza mean? | Without |
What is Largo? | The slowest tempo marking. |
What does Larghetto mean? | Not quite as slow as Largo. |
What does Largamente mean? | Broadly |
What does Allargando mean? | Broadening out. |
What does timbre mean? | tone colour |
What does Con moto mean? | With motion |
What does Piu moss mean? | More motion |
What does meno mosso mean? | Less motion |
What does vivo mean? | Lively, Spirited |
What does Prestissimo mean? | As fast as possible |
What does 8va mean? | Octave |
What does Loco mean? | In place |
What does similar motion mean? | Similar motion means that two melodic lines are moving in the same direction. |
What does contrary motion mean? | Contrary motion means that two melodic lines are moving in opposite directions. |
What does oblique motion mean? | Oblique motion means that one part remains at constant pitch while the others moves. |
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