Terms & Definitions


Music Craft
Flashcards by clifflaura, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by clifflaura over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does Maestoso mean? Majestic
What does Sostenuto mean? Sustained
What does Pizzicato mean? Plucked
What does Arco mean? It tells the player to play with the bow. It is usually used after a pizzicato indication.
What does Cantabile mean? Singing
What does Espressivo mean? expressive(ly)
What is does Poco mean? Little or slight.
What does Molto mean? Much, very or a lot.
What is a phrase? A phrase is a unit of melody, like a clause or sentence in language, with some degree of completeness in harmonic direction and cadence.
How long does the average phase go for? Four bars.
What is a motif? A motif is a small unit of melody and/or rhythm, which may be repeated, developed or varied.
What does Leggiero mean? Light
What does mezzo staccato mean? Moderately detached
What does Sempre mean? Always
What does Senza mean? Without
What is Largo? The slowest tempo marking.
What does Larghetto mean? Not quite as slow as Largo.
What does Largamente mean? Broadly
What does Allargando mean? Broadening out.
What does timbre mean? tone colour
What does Con moto mean? With motion
What does Piu moss mean? More motion
What does meno mosso mean? Less motion
What does vivo mean? Lively, Spirited
What does Prestissimo mean? As fast as possible
What does 8va mean? Octave
What does Loco mean? In place
What does similar motion mean? Similar motion means that two melodic lines are moving in the same direction.
What does contrary motion mean? Contrary motion means that two melodic lines are moving in opposite directions.
What does oblique motion mean? Oblique motion means that one part remains at constant pitch while the others moves.
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