SSTI (1)


Final Exam Prep
Sam Adeyiga
Flashcards by Sam Adeyiga, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Adeyiga
Created by Sam Adeyiga over 4 years ago

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Question Answer
Folliculitis/Stye Signs/Symptoms Superficial infections surrounding hair follicles on the skin (folliculitis) or on the eyelids (stye)
Folliculitis/Stye Common etiology 1. S. aureus 2. P. aeruginosa (with exposure to pools) ** S. aureus = aerobic GPC = staphyloccoci) ** Pseudomonas aeruginosa = aerobic GNR
Folliculitis/Stye treatment [CEM] 1. Local, warm compress 2. Topical clindamycin, erythromycin, mupirocin (CEM)
Furuncle/Carbuncle Signs/Symptoms 1. Painful, firm, tender, red nodule 2. May include systemic symptoms if bacteria have entered the bloodstream
Furuncle/Carbuncle Common etiology 1. S. aureus (Gram (+) = staphylococci) 2. S. pyogenes (Gram (+) = B-hemolytic)
Furuncle/Carbuncle treatment 1. Small furuncles: Moist heat 2. Large furuncles/carbuncles: Incision and drainage 3. Immucompromised, severe infections, or unresponsive to incision: SMX/TMP, doxycycline, clindamycin, linezolid (BDCL)
Erysipelas Signs/Symptoms Red, edematous, painful lesions with sharply demarcated borders
Erysipelas common etiology 1. s. aureus 2. s. pyrogenes 3. s. agalactiae [GNC = B-hemolytic]
Erysipelas treatment 1. Mild/Moderate: Penicillin VK x 7-10 days OR Clindamycin (penicillin allergy) 2. Severe: IV penicillin
Impetigo Signs/Symptoms Small, clear fluid-filled vesicles, which turn into pus-filled blisters that ruptures that dry to form a golden-yellow crust
Impetigo common etiology 1. Bullous: S. aureus 2. Non-bullous: S. aureus and S. pyogenes
Impetigo treatment 1. Topical: Mupirocin TID x 5 days OR Retapamulin BID x 5 days 2. Non-responsive to topical: Dicloxacillin/cephalexin x 7 days Clindamycin (penicillin allergy)
Cellulitis Signs/Symptoms 1. Infection of the dermis and subcutaneous fat tissue characterized by induration, erythema, edema, and inflammation 2. Hot to the touch with poorly defined margins
Cellulitis common etiology 1. s. aureus 2. s. pyrogenes
Cellulitis treatment 1. Mild: Anti-staph, 1st gen cephalosporin, clindamycin (penicillin allergy) x 5-10 days 2. If MRS suspected, use a MRSA-covering agent
Necrotizing infections Signs/Symptoms Severe infection of the subcutaneous tissue resulting in progressive destruction of tissue and fascia.
Necrotizing infections common etiology 1. Type I: Polymicrobial (1 aerobe + 1 anaerobe) 2. Type II: S. pyogenes C. perfringens *** C. perfringens = anaerobic GPR =
Necrotizing infections treatment 1. Type I: Broad spectrum (aerobic Gram+, Gram-, and anaerobes) therapy 2. Type 2: Penicillin + clindamycin
Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) Signs/Symptoms Inflammation, purulent secretions in patients with diabetes
Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) Common etiology Combination: 1. Gram+ (S. arues, enterococci, streptococci) 2. Gram- (Pseudomonas spp,) 3. Anaerobes (B. fragilis)
Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) treatment 1. Mild: 7-14 days of oral S. aureus + streptococcus coverage 2. Moderate: Oral/IV broad spectrum therapy x 10-14 days with no OM (4-6 weeks with OM) 3. Severe: IV broad spectrum therapy x 10-14 days with no Osteomyelitis (OM) (4-6 weeks with OM)
Bite wounds Signs/Symptoms Purulent discharge, erythema, and swelling
Bite wounds common etiology (Animal) 1. Pasturella multocida 2. Moraxella spp. 3. Neisseria spp. *** Neisseria = GNC = Aerobic
Bite wounds common etiology (Human) 1. Steptococcus spp. 2. S. aureus 3. Eikenella corrodens 4. Anaerobes
Bite wounds treatment (Animal) 1. Amoxicillin/clavulanate x 5-7 days 2. Bite on the head, joint, or hand: IV ampicillin/sulbactam, cephamycin, cefotetan, or carbapenem x 7-14 days 3. Prophylaxis: 3-5 days of antibiotic treatment
Bite wounds treatment (Human) 1. Amoxicillin/clavulanate x 5-7 days 2. Serious injuries: IV ampicillin/sulbactam, cephamycin, cefotetan, or carbapenem x 7-14 days 3. Prophylaxis: 3-5 days of antibiotic treatment
Osteomyelitis Signs/Symptoms Pain, swelling, fever, chills, decreased range of motion 2. Elevated ESR, CRP, and WBC
Osteomyelitis common etiology MSSA MRSA Enteric Gram- P. aeruginosa
Osteomyelitis treatment See Table 3 of your note
Infectious arthritis Signs/Symptoms 1. Fever, painful swollen joint in the absence of trauma 2. Elevated ESR and WBC
Infectious arthritis common etiology 1. s. aureus 2. N. gonorrhoeae
Infectious arthritis treatment 1. Joint drainage and rest 2. Gonoccocal: IV ceftriaxone x 7 days OR IV doxycycline (penicillin allergy) 2. Nongonoccocal: Table 3 treatments for MSSA and MRSA
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