ADR Test 1: Textbook Ch. 1-6


Postgraduate ADR Flashcards on ADR Test 1: Textbook Ch. 1-6, created by Jean Ramsay on 16/10/2019.
Jean Ramsay
Flashcards by Jean Ramsay, updated more than 1 year ago
Jean Ramsay
Created by Jean Ramsay about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Rules of Professional Conduct and Paralegal rules of Conduct require _______. This is an example of how ADR is mandated in legislation. (shows the value of ADR to the justice system) lawyers and paralegals to inform their clients of ADR methods.
competing a conflict resolution style in which the person tries to win the conflict at all costs
collaborating style where parties work with each other to problem solve and develop creative solutions
compromising reduce expectations, only get a portion of what was originally sought
avoiding one party resists dealing with the issues in the dispute
accomodating tends to make sacrifices for the other party in the dispute
system refers to any social unit (ie. family, company, or any other kind of social organization)
systems theory a theory that suggests that conflict cannot be viewed in isolation but that it should be examined in relation to the entire system in which it takes place
What does the circle of conflict do. What factors are inside the circle? The circle of conflict offers a way to diagnose conflict by examining 6 primary causes of conflict. The 6 primary causes are DATA, VALUES, RELATIONSHIP, MOOD, STRUCTURE, INTEREST
values life defining beliefs like religion, morals, ethics or day to day values like politeness. These values either cause conflict or contribute to it
relationship (as a cause of conflict) negative past experiences in relationships can drive conflict. Ex. prior disagreements between landlord and tenant might affect the landlords willingness
external factors that cause conflict any factor not directly related to the conflict (ex. the landlord is short on $$ because there are vacant apartments. The landlord might be more likely to snap on you in this case if your rent is late because they are stressed about money )
structural issues competition for limited resources, lack of authority to deal with the problem or limited resources
interests what has caused the parties to come to their position in the negotiation or mediation. Why a party wants what they want
perspectivism the view that there is no one correct theory or viewpoint instead there are many different perspectives from which to view a conflict
punctuating the conflict interpretation of the conflict is shaped by the lens that is used to view it
ADR Brief should contain: relevant facts brief review of the law expert reports issues document clients interests come accross as reasonable to other party all documents needed
statement of issues Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program requires that a statement of issues be submitted 7 days prior to the mediation. Identifies facts, legal issues in dispute, positions and interests of parties, supporting documentation
what is the goal of negotiation? 3 pts. Who came up with this? Fisher and Ury: to produce an agreement that is effective and satisfactory to all parties. 1. produce wise agreement 2. be efficient 3. improve or at least not damage relationship btw parties.
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