The Great Depression programs


Flashcards on three F.D.R. Programs created in The Great Depression. The WPA, CWA, TVA.
Wanda Ricca
Flashcards by Wanda Ricca, updated more than 1 year ago
Wanda Ricca
Created by Wanda Ricca almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was the goal of WPA? To create jobs, build public buildings and roads.
Was WPA a Relief, Recovery, or a Reform program? The WPA was a Recovery program.
What is a Recovery program? A program where the government gives, but expects something in return. (ex: [Jobs] Government gives money, but you have to work for it.)
What is a Reform program? A program where the government changes laws in order to est suit the situation/ improve the laws.
Which two types of programs were temporary? Relief and Recovery. They existed to help people get back up on their feet.
What does FDIC stand for? Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
What is a Relief program? A recovery program is a program where the government gives and doesn't expect anything back from the people.
What did WPA artists do? WPA artists painted murals on public buildings.
What is FDIC? It's when government secures all or a portion (maximum $100,000) of your money that is in the bank, so that in case the bank loses it or shuts down, your money is insured.
How does Social Security work? Each generation pays for the past generation's future or current retirement.
What did the WPA achieve? Provided paid jobs for 3 million unemployed men and women. Also provided almost 8 million jobs 1935-1943.
What was the CWA's goal? To create jobs mostly for the winter of 1933-34 with work like building roads and public structures.
What does TVA stand for? Tennessee Valley Authority
Does WPA still exist? If not, when did it close? It was liquidated in 1943 because of the return of low unemployment.
Does the CWA still exist today? If not, when was it cancelled? No, it doesn't exist. It ended in March, 1939 after spending $200M on jobs.
What was/ is the goal of TVA? To supply electricity, navigation, flood control, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development in an area covering most of Tennessee and some of Alabama, Mississippi and Kentucky.
Why should Social Security be stopped and why doesn't anyone do anything about it? There are a lot more retired people (Life expectancy is becoming higher) than current workers, and so the workers can't pay for all those people. Politicians don't want to end it, because by stopping Social Security you impact all of the retired people and lose votes.
Which program is the CWA? Recovery, because it gave jobs for public structures and roads [work] in return.
Does TVA still exist today? If not, when was it cancelled? Yes. It has grown to a company that provides electricity for local citizens.
What does WPA stand for? Works Progress Administration
What were the achievements of the CWA? Gave jobs to millions of unemployed workers. Laid out 255k miles of roads, 40k schools, 37 hundred playgrounds and 12m feet of sewer pipe.
Which program was the TVA? Relief. TVA gave electricity, flood control, etc. for nothing in return.
What does CWA stand for? Civil Works Administration
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