Created by paul.whittamore
over 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
Adult ego state | a set of behaviours, thoughts and feelings which are direct responses to the here-and-now, not copied from parents or parent-figures nor replayed from the individual’s own childhood. |
Child ego state | a set of behaviours, thoughts and feelings which are replayed from the individual’s own childhood – i.e. an archaic ego-state |
Parent ego state | a set of behaviours, thoughts and feelings which have been copied from parents or parent-figures – i.e. a borrowed ego-state |
Injunction | negative, restrictive script messages issued from Child by the parent and housed in Child by the child |
Counterinjunction | script messages issued from Parent by the parent and housed in Parent by the child. |
Driver | one of the five distinctive behavioural sequences, played out over a time-period between half-a-second and a few seconds, which are the functional manifestations of negative counterscripts |
Structural model | an ego-state model showing WHAT is classified as belonging in each ego-state or subdivision of an ego-state (i.e. showing content). |
Functional model | an ego-state model which divides the ego-states to show us HOW we use them (their process) |
Stroke | a unit of recognition |
Transaction | a transactional stimulus plus a transactional response: the basic unit of social discourse |
Lifescript | an unconscious life-plan made in childhood, reinforced by the parents, ‘justified’ by subsequent events, and culminating in a chosen alterative |
Contamination | part of the content of the Child or Parent ego-states which the individual mistakes for Adult content |
Structural model 2nd order | bbb |
"Game" | Joines’s definition)the process of doing something with an ulterior motive that (1) is outside of Adult awareness, (2) does not become explicit until the participants switch the way they are behaving, and (3) results in everyone feeling confused, misunderstood, and wanting to blame the other person. |
Racket | a set of scripty behaviours, intended outside awareness as a means of manipulating the environment, and entailing the person’s experiencing a racket feeling |
Racket feeling | a familiar emotion, learned and encouraged in childhood, experienced in many different stress situations, and maladaptive as an adult means of problem-solving |
evernote | evernote:///view/10159614/s93/5f3881e9-5575-4451-a113-eb0f240900cb/5f3881e9-5575-4451-a113-eb0f240900cb/ |
Personality Adaptation | ??????? |
Conditional OKness | ?????? |
Crossed transaction | a transaction in which the transactional vectors are not parallel, or in which the ego-state addressed is not the one which respondssss |
Drama Triangle | diagram which illustrates how persons may adopt and move between any of three scripty roles (Persecutor, Rescuer, Victim). |
Life-course | what actually happens in the individual’s life (in contrast to life-script, which represents what the person planned to do in early childhood) |
Always Script | the process script which reflects the belief ‘I must always stay with the same unsatisfactory situation.’ |
Autonomy | that quality which ismanifested by the release or recovery of three capacities:awareness, spontaneity and intimacy; any behaviour,thinking or feeling which is a response to here-and-now reality, rather than a response |
Awareness | the capacity to experience pure sensual impressions in the manner of a new-born infant, without interpretation |
Content | (of ego-states) the stored memories and strategiesthat are classified as belonging in the different ego-states, or subdivisions of ego-states, in the structural model – i.e.what is placed in each ego-state; (of script) the set of early decisions, unique to the individual, which specify what there is in the individual’s script |
Counterscript | the set of decisions made by the child in compliance with the counterinjunctions |
Intimacy | mode of time-structuring in which people express authentic feelings and wants to each other without censoring. |
Spontaneity | ability to choose freely from a full range of options in feeling, thinking and behaving, including choice of egostate |
Persecutor | (in Drama Triangle) person who puts others down or belittles them |
Rescuer | (in Drama Triangle) person who offers help to others from a one-up position, in the belief ‘they are not good enough to help themselves’ |
Victim | (in Drama Triangle) person who views himself or herself as one-down, deserving to be belittled or unable to get by without help |
Structural Analysis | analysis of personality, or of a series of transactions, in terms of the ego-state model |
TA (ITAA) | (ITAA definition) a theory of personality and a systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and personal change |
Allower | the positive converse of a driver |
Agitation | the passive behaviour in which the person directs energy into repetitive, purposeless activity instead of problemsolving |
Attribution | the passive behaviour in which the person directs energy into repetitive, purposeless activity instead of problemsolving |
Miniscript | a sequence of scripty behaviours and racket feelings, always beginning with a driver, in which the individual plays through his or her script in the short to medium term and thereby reinforces the script. |
Overadaption | the passive behaviour in which the person complies with what he or she believes are the wishes of others, without checking and without reference to his or her own wishes. |
Racket System | a self-reinforcing, distorted system of feelings, thoughts and actions maintained by script-bound individuals. |
Redecision | replacement of a self-limiting early decision by a new decision that takes account of the individual’s full adult resource. |
Rescuer | (in Drama Triangle) person who offers help to others from a one-up position, in the belief ‘they are not good enough to help themselves’ |
Rubberband | a point of similarity between a here-and-now stress situation and a painful situation from the person’s own childhood, usually not recalled in awareness, in response to which the person is likely to go into script |
Script | same as Life-script |
Second order (Structural Model) | a structural model in which the ego-states are themselves subdivided to show the ego-state structure of the individual’s own Child and of the figures incorporated in the Parent. |
Stroke Filter | an individual’s pattern of rejecting and accepting strokes so as to conform with an existing self-image |
Structural Pathology | contamination and/or exclusion |
Violence | the passive behaviour in which the person directs destructive energy outwards in an attempt to force the environment to solve a problem. |
Withdrawl | mode of time-structuring in which the individual does not transact with others |
Winning Script | a script in which the payoff is happy or fulfilling, `and/or entails success in accomplishing a declared purpose |
Winner | someone who accomplishes a declared purpose. |
Time-Structuring | how people spend time when in pairs or groups |
Ulterior Transaction | a transaction in which an overt message and a covert message are conveyed at the same time |
Structural Analysis | analysis of personality, or of a series of transactions, in terms of the ego-state model. |
Stroke Economy | set of restrictive Parental rules regarding stroking |
Stopper | the second position on the miniscript, reflecting the life position I-U+; an injunction which the individual hears when at that position |
Stroking Profile | a bar-chart diagram to analyze an individual’s preference for giving, taking, asking for and refusing to give strokes |
Redefining | distortion of an individual’s perception of reality so that it fits his or her script. |
Passive Behaviour | one of four modes of behaviour (doing nothing, overadaptation, agitation, incapacitation or violence) which indicate the presence of discounting and are used by the individual as an attempt to manipulate others or the environment into solving his or her problems |
Non-Winning Script | a script in which the payoff entails neither big wins nor big losses |
Never Script | the process script which reflects the belief ‘I can never get what I most want’. |
Free Child | a subdivision of the Child in the functional model, indicating how the individual may use this ego-state in expressing feelings or wants without censoring and without reference to rules or societal demands = Natural Child |
Frame of Reference | the structure of associated responses which integrates the various ego-states in response to specific stimuli; it provides the individual with an overall perceptual, conceptual, affective and action set, which is used to define the self, other people and the world. |
Exclusion | shutting out by the individual of one or more ego-states. |
Life Position | a person’s basic beliefs about self and others, which are used to justify decisions and behaviour; a fundamental stance which a person takes up about the essential value he or she perceives in self and others = Existential Position |
Adapted Child | a sub-division of the Child in the functional model, indicating how the individual may use this ego-state in conforming to rules or societal demands. |
Adult in the Child | part of the second-order structure of the Child, representing the young child’s strategies for realitytesting and problem-solving |
Child in the Child | part of the second-order structure of the Child, representing stored memories of experiences from earlier stages of the child’s own development. |
Controlling Parent | a subdivision of the Parent in the functional model, indicating how the individual may use this ego-state to control, direct or criticize = Critical Parent |
Despairer | the fourth position on the miniscript, reflecting the life position I-U-. |
Decisional Model | philosophical stance which holds that people decide their own destiny, and that these decisions can changed |
Doing Nothing | the passive behaviour in which the person directs energy into stopping himself or herself from acting, instead of into problem-solving |
Decision | conclusion regarding self, others or the quality of life, adopted during childhood as the best available means of surviving and getting needs met within the constraints of the child’s ways of feeling and reality-testing |
Ego-state | a consistent pattern of feeling and experience directly related to a corresponding consistent pattern of behaviour. |
Ego-state Model | a model depicting personality in terms of Parent, Adult and Child ego-states. |
Episcript | a negative script message which a parent passes to a child in the magical hope that by so doing the parent will be released from the impact of that message |
Incapacitation | the passive behaviour in which the person disables himself or herself in an attempt to force the environment to solve a problem |
Integrated Adult | Adult ego-state incorporating positive qualities of Child and of Parent. |
Blocking Transaction | a transaction in which the purpose of raising an issue is avoided by disagreeing about the definition of the issue |
Blamer | the third position on the miniscript, reflecting the life position I+U- |
Losing Script | a script in which the payoff is painful or destructive, and/or entails failure to accomplish a declared purpose |
Marshmallow-Throwing | a script in which the payoff is painful or destructive, and/or entails failure to accomplish a declared purpose |
Passivity | how people don’t do things, or don’t do them effectively |
Permissions | (in the script) positive, liberating script messages issued from Child by the parent and housed in Child by the child. |
Stroke Bank | collected memories of past strokes which the individual can re-use. |
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