Python Flash Cards


Flashcards on Python Flash Cards, created by educ8ict on 28/08/2013.
Flashcards by educ8ict, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by educ8ict over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name an interpreted language. Python Perl BASIC
What could you use to edit a Python file? A text editor such as nano or A specific coding application such as XCode
Name a module used to specify a time to wait in Python time or datetime
Name a module you would use to identify the date in Python datetime
Which is correct? import time importtime import(time) import.time import time
Which of the following is NOT an interpreted language? Perl Python C C
Which statement would you use to output text in Python? Print Echo Import Post print
How would you end a Python session? exit quit exit() quit() exit()
Name a benefit of using Interpreted languages Easy to learn, Quick, Can be used for a wide range of things
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