AP Euro Study Guide


AP European History Flashcards on AP Euro Study Guide, created by queendonnaa on 16/12/2014.
Flashcards by queendonnaa, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by queendonnaa over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
components of the Renaissance humanism, secularism, individual potential, renaissance man
Humanist Ideas study classical texts, human potential, virtu
Emergence of the Renaissance Florence, Italy. Flourished economically. Patronage of the arts.
Italian Unification Communes -> Republic -> Oligarchy + Signori = didn't unify until 1800's
balance of power Italian city-states kept an eye on each other to keep one from becoming too powerful
On The Dignity of Man Written by Pico. Virtu. Free will and Dignity.
"The Courtier" written by Castiglione, gentlemen's handbook, intellectual and spiritual training, Renaissance man
1529 Diet of Speyers: Protestant German Princes protested Colloquy of Marburg: Unite Protestants over transubstantiation >> failed
Luther's church Faith alone, Scripture, Christian community
Knox reformed the Scottish church
Peace of Augsburg German princes could choose their religion
Luther & Swabians Luther originally supported the revolt but when it turned violent, he did not
the elect Calvin's theory. Ruler chosen by God.
Genevan Consistory body of laymen that protected laws
Servetus Spanish humanist. Burned at the stake for disbelief in Calvin's ideas
benefited from 16th inflation Middle class benefited. Nobles suffered.
Concordat of Bologna France could choose their religious leaders
Peace of Westphalia ended Thirty Years' War
Edict of Nantes accepted Protestantism
Population Loss/ Serfdom Disease & Famine >> Freed serfs in Western Europe
French Royal Budget 16th Habsburg-Valois Wars & art
Witch Hunts Received power from the devil. 70%-80% executed were women. Panics.
Columbian Voyages San Salvador, Cuba, Hispaniola. Colombian Exchange.
Portuguese > Slaves 300-2000 slaves brought to Portugal. Started the slave trade
Dutch Imperialism spice trade. Dutch East + West India companies.
War of the Spanish Succession Phillip to inherit throne after Charles II. Grand Alliance. Peace of Utrecht >> England wins land
French Classicism Louis XIV. Renaissance Man. French Theater. Polite society. diplomacy.
English 16th and 17th Growth in middle class. Civil War
French Army professionalism. grew b/c of $$$.
Final collapse of Spain Spanish trade with new world fell. 30 years' war >> defeat. Treaty of Pyrenees.
Richelieu 1st minister. destroy Habsburg grip on land around France. Foreign Policy.
The Protectorate Oliver Cromwell. Ended Parliament in 1655. 12 military districts. Dictatorship.
1688-1694 William & Mary >> Glorious Revolution
Hungarians vs. Habsburgs Ferdinand III. Hungary pushed Ottoman's out. Rackovsky.
The Great Elector Frederick William. Unified Prussia.
Charles XII Peter the Great wanted a port in Sweden. Great Northern War.
1770's military Lafayette fights with America. France allies with USA.
John Locke natural rights. 2nd treatise of government.
reading revolution printing press. increase in literacy. reading became private and questionable.
Mind and Matter Cartesian Dualism. 2 basic entities. rationalism leads to truth.
Montesquieu "Persian Letters" and "Spirit of Laws". Oppression of women. Separation of powers.
Voltaire Absolute monarchy is the best form of government.
Encyclopedia Edited by Diderot and d'Alembert. More knowledge is more happiness.
Frederick II "The Great". religious tolerance, pro-education, anti-torture.
French Parliaments after Louis XIV could evict decrees again
1748 / finance minister 5% income tax
putting-out system Raw materials -> rural families -> merchants
Navigation Acts British Goods on British ships only. Cromwell.
early public health better water sanitation. smallpox vaccine.
Spain's colonial classes Penninsulares, Creoles, Mestizo, Mulatto, Indians, Africans. mixed racial laws.
Equiano ex-slave, euro-african relations
1770's British trade agricultural population increased. high demand for English goods.
Adam Smith believed that the governments should defend, maintain, and sponsor. Economic Liberalism & Free Trade.
Spanish labor control debt peonage
Domestic Threat for Women sexual harassment
appeal of Pietism Protestant Revival. Warm and spontaneous
European Diet Poor: Grains and Vegetables Rich: Meat, Milk, Seafood, Fruit Coffee & Tea
18th cent. medical achievements Faith Healing Cauterization Midwifery - du Coudray Smallpox Vaccine - Jenner
Catholic Easter 95% attended Easter mass
Great Fear Peasants afraid of landlords. Duke of Aiguillon >> abolish privileges
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizen security, liberty, equality. presumed innocence. general will.
National Assembly Accomplishments improved women's rights. abolished trade barriers and guilds. nationalized church land.
French Military Victories Patriotism and wise young generals
Olympe de Gouges Dec. of the Rights of Women, equality, beheaded in 1793.
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