4. Chemoselectivity


Chemistry Flashcards on 4. Chemoselectivity, created by John Rivada on 20/04/2019.
John Rivada
Flashcards by John Rivada, updated more than 1 year ago
John Rivada
Created by John Rivada over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the three types of selectivity? Regioselectivity: Which are of the molecule or which direction Stereoselectivity: How it will react (R vs S) Chemoselectivity: Which functional group(s) will react
What is the reactivity scale towards nucleophiles?
Oxidation vs. Reduction Oxidation: decrease in # of H or increase in # of atoms that are more electronegative Reduction: increase in # of H or decrease in # of atoms that are more electronegative
What are the 4 classes of reducing agents? 1. Group 13 hydrides 2. H2 + metal. cat. 3. 2H+ and 2e- (from metal) 4. Sn Hydrides
What are good reducing agents? LAH DIBAL (diisobutylaluminum hydride) NaBH4 LiBH4 Borane something
Which is the harsher reducing agent of the two: NaBH4 or LiAlH4 NaBH4
Which of the following is the mildest and which is the strongest reducing agent: LiAlH4, DIBAL, LiBH4 Strongest: LiAlH4 Mildest: LiBH4
Using a reducing agent as the reagent, how can you make a 1° alcohol? Aldehyde Ester Carboxylic Acid
Using a reducing agent as the reagent, how can you make a 2° alcohol? Ketone
Ester is more reactive than carboxylic acid!!
Mechanism for Aldehyde/Ketone reduction?
Mechanism for Ester reduction? **
Mechanism for Amide reduction? **
Using a reducing agent as the reagent, how can you make an amine? Amide
What should I use if I have a compound that has an eseter and a ketone and want to reduce both to alcohols? LiAlH4 or NaBH4? LiAlH4
What should I use if I have a compound that has an eseter and a ketone and want to reduce just the ketone? LiAlH4 or NaBH4? NaBH4
Slide 18 **
*Left aldehyde is supposed to be carboxylic acid *Left aldehyde is supposed to be carboxylic acid
What's so good about BH3 as a reducing agent? It chemoselectivily reduces carboxylic acids over most things
second step is pH 5
Difference between NaBH3 and NaCNBh3 CN on B make it a very week reducing agent NaCNBH3 is chemoselective for the reduction of IMINIUM ions
What is the difference between hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis? Hydrogenation: addition of H2 across a double bond Hydrogenolysis: using H2 to break a single bond
If your substrate is a benzyl amine or ether, what kind of metal should you use for hydrogenation? Pd
If your substrate is an alkene, what kind of metal should you use for hydrogenation? Pd Pt Ni
If your substrate is an aromatic ring what kind of metal should you use for hydrogenation? Pt Rh Ni under high pressure
Fill in the reagents
Examples of Lindlar Catalysts Pd, CaCO3, Pb(OAc)2
Using a reducing agent as the reagent , how can I turn an imine into an amine? NaCNBH3 and pH5 buffer H2 + cat. Pd/C
What is the Rosenmund Reaction? Acyl chloride to aldehyde Using H2, PD, and BaSO4 as support Doesn't reduce aromatic ring or carbonyl
Product of this reaction: Aromatic Ring - O - R + H2 , Pd/C ROH Toluene
Product of this reaction: Aromatic Ring - CH2 - N-R2 + H2 , Pd/C R2NH Toluene
Slide 26 **
If you want to reduce a nitrile to an amine what should you use as a reagent? LiAlH4, Bh3 Ra Ni (+H2), H2 + cat Pd/C Hydrogentation regaents (second list) tend to form 2° amine side products
If you want to reduce a nitrile to an aldeyde what should you use as a reagent? DIBAL then acid dry HCl and SnCl2 then acid
Mechanism of thiocarbonyl formation? Do we need to know this?
What is the Barton-McCombie Radical deoxygenation Reaction? Alcohols to Alkanes
What do you need to use to get an alcohol to an alkane? The Barton-McCombie Radical deoxygenation Reaction
Slide 32 **
What do you need to use to get halide to an alkane? The Barton-McCombie Radical deoxygenation Reaction
What does the Mozingo reaction do? Dithioacetal + Raney Nickel Ketone/Aldehyde to Alkane
Missing KOH in reagent Missing KOH in reagent
And KOH as reagent
Missing KOH as reagent Missing KOH as reagent
How can you go from carboxylic acid or acid chloride to alkane?
Mechanism Slide 35 + 36 **
Birch reduction mechanism **
EDG for birch reduction Or, OH (becomes O-), NR2, alkyl
EWG for birch reduction CO2H (as CO2-), amide
Incompatible groups for birch reduction Ketone, aldehyde, nitro, acid chloride
Reagents for Pinnick/Lindgren Oxidation
Swern Ox **
Slide 55 Hydroboration **
Slide 56 **
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