Deutsch Interrogativpronomen


Flashcards on Deutsch Interrogativpronomen, created by Ronaldo Setzer on 18/11/2014.
Ronaldo Setzer
Flashcards by Ronaldo Setzer, updated more than 1 year ago
Ronaldo Setzer
Created by Ronaldo Setzer about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Was (Was hat Maria?) what (What has Mary?)
Wann (Wann kommst du?) When (When are you coming?)
Wo (Wo sind der Gorilla und das Chamäleon?) Where (Where are the Gorilla and the Chameleon?)
Wer (Hallo! Wer sind Sie?) Who (Hello! Who are you?)
Wie (Wie sagt man das?) How (How do you say that?)
Wohin (Wohin gehst du?) Where (Where are you going?) Aonde
Woher (Woher kommen diese zwei Ausländer?) Where (Where do these two foreigners?) De onde
Warum (Deutsch, Warum nicht?) Why (German, Why not?)
Wieso (Wieso weinst du?) Why (Why are you crying?) Informal
Wessen (Wessen idee ist das?) Whose (Whose is the idea?) De quem
Welch (Welche europäische Region ist am ärmsten?) Which (Which European region is the poorest?) Qual
was für ein What a
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