Test 1 M of A - State and Growing pains test


GCSE The Making of America (Flash Cards - Tests) Flashcards on Test 1 M of A - State and Growing pains test, created by Michael Sessions on 21/01/2019.
Michael Sessions
Flashcards by Michael Sessions, updated more than 1 year ago
Michael Sessions
Created by Michael Sessions over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is made up of people elected from each state? Congress
In case they missed anything the Founding Fathers allowed provision for what to be amended? Constitution
Who is the head of state who looks after the whole of the USA? President
What do we call the areas of the USA with their own government, led by and elected governor? States
Which part of US society were mainly white Americans descended from British settlers? The People
What do we call the areas of land who do not fulfill the criteria to become a state? Territories
What is the highest court in the USA? Supreme Court
What do we call the rules stating how a country should be run? Constitution
Which organisation in the USA makes the laws for the whole country? Congress
Which part of US society also consisted of Native Americans and Black Americans brought from Africa? The People
In which year did the USA defeat Britain and win the War of Independence? 1783
What was the name of the battle that the Indians lost in 1794 trying to get their land back? Fallen Timbers
What treaty did the Indians have to sign in 1795? Treaty of Greenville
Who was the first President of the United States and which year did he become president? George Washington / 1789
What percentage of his budget did Washington put into fighting and defeating the Indians? 80%
Who was the third president of the United States? Thomas Jefferson
When the government sold blocks of land for settlement how many acres where in each block? 640 acres
What do we call people who settled on the land without paying, hoping they would be able to raise the money before the bailiffs came knocking? Squatters
Jefferson believed there was nothing more democratic than a _______________ who owned his own piece of land. What 2 words are missing? Yeoman Farmer
Who made big profits from buying up large amounts of cheap land from the Government and selling on to small farmers? Speculators
How much discount did the government give if people bought land in cash? 10%
In Wisconsin 68 men bought how much land? 500, 000 acres
Which French territory was President Jefferson able to buy? Louisiana
How many acres of land did Jefferson’ purchase from the French? 530 Million
In which year did Jefferson purchase the territory from the French? 1803
How much did Jefferson pay Bonaparte for the territory? $15 Million
In 1789 the USA relied almost entirely on trade across the Atlantic. They wanted to become a major player in the world economy by opening up trade on which ocean as well? Pacific.
Which two explorers were sent out to explore the new western territories? Lewis and Clarke
What was the name of Lewis and Clarke's female native guide? Sacagawea
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