HSE204 - Study Area 2, Topic 7 : Attention and memory


Deakin 2014
Flashcards by rob.nash1984, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rob.nash1984 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Attention as Alertness Being ready to respond; Sensitivity of attention to stimuli; Paying attention
Attention as a Limited Capacity Limitations on how much info can be processed at once; Dividing attention can inhibit performance;
Attention as Selectivity The need to be selective with what we pay attention to.
Central Resource Attention Capacity Theory Attention is flexible and directed to tasks as needed.
Sensory Memory (Stages of Memory) Unlimited capacity, short duration; Sensory information from the environment enters memory.
Short-Term Memory (Stages of Memory) Functions as a temporary store and workspace; Limited capacity and duration
Long-Term Memory (Stages of Memory) Somewhat permanent store with unlimited capacity and duration
Trace Decay (Causes of Forgetting) Forgetting information over time.
Proactive Interference (Causes of Forgetting) Old memories interfere with new memories
Retroactive Interference (Causes of Forgetting) New memories interfere with old memories
Encoding Specificity Principle The closer the relationship between practice and test contexts the better performance will be
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