Introduction to Emmetropia and Ametropia


Preclinical Optometry Flashcards on Introduction to Emmetropia and Ametropia, created by Kim Vu on 30/05/2018.
Kim Vu
Flashcards by Kim Vu, updated more than 1 year ago
Kim Vu
Created by Kim Vu almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Presbyopia Definition: Difficulty with near work due to lens inflexibility with age, resulting from decrease ability to accommodate Accommodative state: lost ability to accommodate Optical basis: Biological basis: lens become harder - cannot be stretched
Emmetropia Definition: Conjugate focus of the retina is at infinity (-0.25 to +0.75DS) Accommodative state: accomodation is relaxed at infinity Optical basis: Biological basis:
Myopia Definition: Distant objects are focused in front of the retina while near objects viewed at the far point by accommodation (</= -0.50 DS) Accommodative state: accommodating at infinity Optical basis: corneal power is too strong Biological basis: eye has grown too long
Hypermetropia/hyperopia Definition: Distance objects are focused behind the photoreceptors when accommodation is relaxed (>/= +0.75) Accommodative state: increase accommodation for objects at near Optical basis: Corneal power is not strong enough Biological basis: Eye is too short
Astigmatism Definition: Image of a point object is not a single point but two perpendicular lines at different distances from the optical system Optical basis: toroidal refracting surfaces of the eye Biological basis: corneal surface is uneven
Interpret a spectacle prescription +/- spherical power DS / - cyl power DC x axis
Define pupillary distance and state its importance Distance between the two corneal reflex of the left and right eye. Importance: changes when viewing at distance and viewing at near * important for when putting prescription into spectacles
Prevalence of emmetropia and ametropia Prevalence of emmetropia: * ~60% in 40-90yrs Prevalence of ametropia: differs by age, genetics and environmental circumstances * Children - eye is smaller (more hypermetropic but can accommodate to achieve (91%) * Australian population myopic = ~20%
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