Module 2 Lecture 1 Motor System


PT569 Fundamentals of Neuroscience Flashcards on Module 2 Lecture 1 Motor System, created by Mia Li on 24/02/2018.
Mia Li
Flashcards by Mia Li, updated more than 1 year ago
Mia Li
Created by Mia Li almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Which part of the motor system is in charge of planning, initiating, and directing voluntary movements? Motor cortex
Which part of the motor system is in charge of basic movements and postural control? Brainstem center
________ gates proper initiation of movements. Basal ganglia
________ coordinates sensory and motor signals. Cerebellum
Sensory input passes through ______ and directly relay signals to ______ and then skeletal muscles, without having to pass through the brain. Local circuit neurons and relay signals to motor neuron pools
In feed forwad control, a ___________ is generated based on a _________. Any errors arise during the movement are (monitored/ not monitored) motor command is generated based on a desired state. NO MONITOR of errors!
With feedback control, the ______ is compared with the ________at the ________ to generate an ________, which helps shape the motor command. With feedback control, the [desired state] is compared with the [sensed state] at the [comparator] to generate an [error], which helps shape the motor command.
T/F: The sensory feedback to the comparator occurs simultaneously without delay. F. May be delay.
What are some advantages of feedforward control? 1. when performing very fast movements 2. when feedback is not available/ unreliable 3. when feedback is delayed
List a disadvantage of 1) feedforward control 2) feedback control 1) feedforward control cannot adjust to disturbances 2) feedback control is really sensitive to sensorimotor delays
During the study of delayed feedback, which situation results in what type of delay? 1. high gain low delay 2. increasing delay 3. decreasing gain 4. high gain with 1 cycle of lag time 1. high gain low delay: good correction 2. increasing delay: larger error with inappropriate correction 3. decreasing gain: slow correction of error and inaccurate 4. high gain with 1 cycle of lag time: overcorrection.
During the microneurography study of grip and object weight, when subject knows the weight of the object in advance, the applied force is adequate to lift the object and the grip force increase ______ with the load. In proportion.
During the microneurography study of grip and object weight, when the subject is lifting a 400g weight, the constant grip activates the ______ in the skin and a burst of action potentials occur in the afferent ______ fibers, signaling the beginning of the hold phase. Pacinian corpuscles Afferent RA2 fibers
During the microneurography study of grip and object weight, when the weight is larger than expected, the object slips initially, the ______ fibers are NOT activated, which triggers a ________ RA2 fibers Triggers an increase in grip force
During executing a simple task of reaching for a cup, translate the following steps into motor language. 1. locate hand and cup 2. plan hand movement 3. determine intrinsic plan 4. execute the movement 1. locate hand and cup: egocentric coordinates 2. plan hand movement: endpoint trajectory 3. determine intrinsic plan: joint trajectory 4. execute the movement: joint torque
What are the necessary skills involved between each step of motor planninng? 1.egocentric coordinates to endpoint trajectory: movement planning 2. endpoint trajectory to joint trajectory: inverse kinematics 3. joint trajectory to joint torque: inverse dynamics
Multiple limb configuration that can achieve the same endpoint position is called ___________ Kinematic redundancy
Multiple relative contributions of force from different muscles will produce the same joint torque, this concept is called ________. Muscle redundancy.
Name the concept: the same muscle force can come from different contributions of force from different motor units. Motor unit redundancy
The video of a parkinson patient biking freely is a good example for ________. Hierachical control of the motor system. (lower level centers receives 'go' demand.
Advantage of passive mechanics. Allowing other mechanics such as elastic recoil to transfer and save energy.
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