

Degree DSE212-Exploring Psychology (Identity) Flashcards on Identity, created by Leanne McMahon on 02/06/2013.
Leanne McMahon
Flashcards by Leanne McMahon, updated more than 1 year ago
Leanne McMahon
Created by Leanne McMahon almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Minimal Group. A technique used by Tajifel in his experiment to test Social Identity Theory. This involved allocating boys to groups based on a superficial basis (preference for Klee or Kadinsky, artists) or even randomly through the toss of a coin.
Working in isolation, each boy was asked to allocate points, to be exchanged for money, to 1. A Pair of boys from his own group (ingroup) 2. A pair of boys from the outgroup 3. A pair with one boy from each group. Boys always favoured the ingroup even when it was not beneficial to them individually.
Social Identity Theory (SIT) Tajfel's theory of SIT sees identity as divided into social groups (Social, Personal & Parental) Social Identity Theory relates to defining characteristics of our 'ingroups' (groups to which we belong) and conversly our 'outgroups' (groups to which we do not belong)
Central to SIT is Tajfel's concept that we identify with some groups and choose to distance ourselves from others. SIT is important because it can help us further understand predudice and how it maybe overcome, however, it has be criticised for trivialising Race and Gender - James Marcia built on Tajfel's theory (SIT)
Tajfel's study in which teen boys selected Kleen or Kandinsky art and then offered a reward which could favour their group and the rival group demonstrated that the boys would choose to disadvantage the rival group each time even if it meant disadvantaging their own 'ingroup' SIT ideas have led to techniques aimed at challenging predudice - Elliot's Blue eyes/ Brown eyes study
Core Identity The central identity proposed by Erikson in his psychosocial theory of identity which gives a sense of self. In Erikson's theory of Core Identity he proposed that throughout all areas of our life this internal self remains stable, consistant and reliable creating a sense of continuity with the past.
Core Identity is not rigidly fixed, Erickson proposed eight stages of development, throughout which, normative crisis occur which may modify our core identity Psychosocial theory sees identity as stable and assumes that people remain within paticular social categories.
Embodiment The idea that our body is important in our sense of identity having effects on every aspect of our lives as we live through it. We use our bodies as a Body Project producing an identity via the way our bodies look to the outside world. It can be seen as a resource to be transformed through wearing clothes, body piercings, tattoos etc. We can express a group identity, for example Goth or Emo.
The importance of this is seen paticularly in relation to disability. The Social Model of Disability suggests that the experience of people with a disability is a result of limitations by other people and the environment (access to buildings effects identity when needs are not met) Disability may also be seen as the only identity avaliable to people with an impairment, ignoring individual variations. A focus on embodiment in relation to disability highlights individuals and group diversity.
Social Constructionism This theory has no paticular theorist and suggests our understanding of the social world is constructed through our social interactions and language. Language is a powerful tool that allows negotiation, and constructions of our identities, relationships and experiences.
Social Constructionism is qualitative by nature, it analyses discourse (research data - spoken word/written accounts) with a focus on human psychology concerned with the individual. Social Constructionism is importsnt because it can help us understand individuality of thought and behaviour as opposed to evolutionary approaches which tend to focus on a very broad species range.
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