
html basic
Hassan Shahzad Aheer
Flashcards by Hassan Shahzad Aheer, updated more than 1 year ago
Hassan Shahzad Aheer
Created by Hassan Shahzad Aheer almost 7 years ago

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Question Answer
HTML Stand for Hyper text markup language
Structural markup the elements that you can use to describe both headings and paragraphs
Semantic markup which provide extra information for example emphasis word and quotes
Total number of Headings are <h1></h1> <h2></h2> <h3></h3> <h4></h4> <h5></h5> <h6></h6>
By defualt what browser show in new line <p></p> paragraph
which tag is use to show 2square <sup>2</sup>
which tag show water formula <sub>
empty elements those tag which do not have any words between an opening and closing tag
how to write empty tag this will close by / slash <img src="" />
which tag is use for emphasis and quotes <em>emphasis</em> <blockquote>education</blockquote>
By default, browsers will show the contents of a which element in bold. <strong>
which tag is use for short quotes inside <blockquote></blockquote> tag <q></q>
which tag is use for abbreviation <acronym title="National Aeronautics and Space Administration">NASA</acronym>
In HTML5, which tag should not really be used for a person's name <cite>
what is MDN It is Mozilla developer network which have a documentation for depricated tags or elements
which tag shows the clear readable paragraph acorss all devices <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
summaries table tags <table> <caption></caption> <thead></thead> <tfoot><tfoot> <th> <td></td> </th> <tr> <td></td> </tr> </table>
Types of list in html HTML provides 3 type of list 1- Ordered lists 2- Unordered lists 3- Definition lists
create order list <ol> <li>hassan</li> <li>saadat<li> </ol>
create defination list <dl> <dt>SMIU</dt> <dd>The university with five departments</dd> </dl>
which list define terminalogies definition list
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator
Absolute URLs It starts with a domain name and followed by the specific path to any web page. example <a href=""> Empire</a>
Relative URL When linking to other pages within the same site, you can use relative URLs. it is not started with the domain name. example <a><a href="index.html">Home</a>
The URL is made up of the domain name and followed by what? path or image
what are relative URLs types parent grandparent child grandchild same folder
what is mailto this is use in href="mailto" for sending an email
which empty tag is use to add image into web <img src="1.jpg" />
which element always appear on new line example of block element Block element always appear on new line <h1>Heading and paragraph are block elements</h1> <p><p/>
which elements sit within a block level element and do not start on a new line inline elements sit within a block level element and do not start on a new line Examples <b>, <em>, and <img> elements.
which image attribute is removed in HTML5 align
Three Rules for Creating Images 1-Save images in the right format 2-Save images at the right size 3-Use the correct resolution
what is Resolution the number of dots per inch
Most computer screen show web page at how many inches 72 pixels per inch
which image that is quicker to download. REDUCING IMAGE SIZE
which image will look blurry or blocky INCREASING IMAGE SIZE
JPGs, GIFs, and PNGs belong to what type of image format bitmap.
which format is use to display vector image SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)
In HTML5 Which element is introduce for image <figure></figure>
What's a Table? A table represents information in a grid format.
write basic structure of TABLE <table> <tr> <td>15</td> <td>15</td> <td>30</td> </tr> <tr> <td>45</td> <td>60</td> <td>45</td> </tr> <tr> <td>60</td> <td>90</td> <td>90</td> </tr> </table>
A table is drawn out row by row. Each row is created with the <tr> element. <tr></tr>
when we can not define any method in form. which method by default used get method
Which form attribute are not use in HTML5 size attribute
which form attribute we use to limit the user input maxlength
which tag in the select element of the form shown to the user in the drop-down box. <option></option>
When you are allowing users to upload files, which method you must use post method (You cannot send files using the HTTP get method.)
which are the best places to place labels on form controls. above or to the left ●Text inputs ●Text areas ●Select boxes ●File uploads above or to the right ●Individual checkboxes ●Individual radio buttons
which form element is use grouped the elements <fieldset>
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