Created by emma rujic
over 7 years ago
Question | Answer |
culture | knowledge, beliefs, customs, habits of a group of people and symbols and artifacts used. |
ethnicity | distinguish one culture group from another( language, religion, race, homeland, cultural practises) -place themselves voluntarily - ethnic minority groups |
sociological culture | - social and political forces that shape the way we live at a macro( institutions) and micro(interpersonally) level. terms such such as: culture, society, institutions, values, norms |
elements of culture | material culture symbols language rituals norms values |
norms | expectations for behaviour eg. people marry and live in a two generational household |
values | ideas that justify the 'norms' eg. its best to raise children with two parents and monogomy is morally important |
material culture | things people make and the things they use to make them. eg. tools and environment |
nonmaterial culture | ideas + beliefs about people lives and world |
culture shock | disorientation due to a change of culture |
ethnocentrism | a beliefs that ones culture is better than the others |
cultural relativism | a position or attitude that all cultures are equal and valid |
subcultures | a group of people sharing the same attributes, setting them appart from the dominant culture |
countercultures | different and opposing the dominant culture |
sapir-whorf hypothesis | language shapes our perception |
mores | stronger than values, imformally enforced -moral attitudes( social assumptions) |
laws | norms that are organised and written down |
value transmission | 'socialisation' - transmission of values to younger generation |
universalism | similar elements that is evident in all culures |
localism | universalism that is expressed locally eg. in homes, schools, families |
popular culture | popular activities in certain cultures - fads -objects - ideas - fashion |
high culture | morally highclass activities in a given culture eg. ballet, opera, balls, high class society - language used |
low culture | low class - activities assumed to be done by 'lower class citizens eg. centrelink, homeless, drugs, parties |
cultural capital | piece of culture to exchange with another |
cultural diffusion | spreading of new ideas through a society |
identity | a group of values, beliefs, hopes, aspirations that people identify with being a part of their identity |
social construction of reality | how we construct our version of reality by living in our own culture |
social structure/ social fact | we are born into a set of roles, expectations according to our society/culture |
human agency | people interpret there own situation within their own interpretation of that event and also with the available possiblities they personally have |
intentional relational responsibility | remain open and to be taught accountability diffuse conflicts |
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