French - To Be/To Have/To Go


Flashcards on French - To Be/To Have/To Go, created by Archie Mitchell on 04/10/2017.
Archie Mitchell
Flashcards by Archie Mitchell, updated more than 1 year ago
Archie Mitchell
Created by Archie Mitchell over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Je Suis I am
Être To be
Tu es You are
Il est He is
Nous Sommes We are
Vous étes You are
Ils Sont They are
Avoir To Have
J'ai I have
Tu as You have
Il a He has
Nous avons We have
Vous avez You have
Ils ont They have
Aller To Go
Je Vais I go
Tu vas You go
Il va He goes
Nous allons We go
Vous allez You go
Ils vont He goes
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