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Created by Emily Walker
almost 12 years ago
Question | Answer |
au-déla | further |
il demeure | it remains |
autant dire | in other words |
loin s'en faut | far from it |
Quant a | as for |
un atout | an advantage/trump/virtue |
entretenir | maintain |
au sein de | within/inside |
en tant que | in the capacity of |
si tant est que | even if/supposing that |
alentours | around |
clamer | to protest |
a veille de | the day before |
singulierement | strangely |
la Garde des Sceaux | Lord Chancellor |
etre/entrer en fonction | be/go into office |
la election cantonale | local election |
abroger la loi | appeal the law |
déposer une plainte | to lodge a complaint |
se méfier des politiciens | to distrust the politicians |
jeter l'éponge | to throw in the towel |
adopter la loi | ->been through both houses of parlament |
défrayer la chronque | to make the headlines |
faire la une | to make the front page |
changer de fond en comble | to make fundamental changes |
etre porté a faire qqch | to be inclined to do smt |
chasser par les urnes | voted out of government |
appuyer une motion/loi | to speak in support of a motion/law |
une allocution télévisée | televised speech |
'aux deux extrémités de l'eventail politique' | both ends of the political spectrum |
borné | narrowminded |
coincé | uptight |
combler la fossé | to sort a dispute |
une brouille/querelle/escarmouche | a dispute/quarrel/rift |
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