Life Exchange - Chapter 01 - Vocabulary 03


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Jorge Sánchez
Flashcards by Jorge Sánchez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Jorge Sánchez
Created by Jorge Sánchez over 7 years ago
Jorge Sánchez
Copied by Jorge Sánchez over 7 years ago
Jorge Sánchez
Copied by Jorge Sánchez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Life Exchange "Chapter 01" Vocabulary Life Exchange "Capítulo 01" Vocabulario
Pretty busy bastante ocupado
There's a meeting this evening Hay una reunión esta noche
you have been working too hard lately has estado trabajando mucho últimamente
as soon as I can tan pronto como pueda
put the phone down Expresión que significa: colgar el teléfono
gorgeous wife hermosa esposa
a strange tone in his voice un tono extraño en su voz
keeping a secret mantener un secreto
heaps of money montón de dinero
to walk out of the room salir del cuarto
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