Fichas de Inglés Básico para la Prepa Abierta


Fichas de vocabulario inglés básico para ensayar para la Preparatoria Abierta.
Raúl Fox
Flashcards by Raúl Fox, updated more than 1 year ago
Raúl Fox
Created by Raúl Fox over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is it? It is bread.
What is it? It is a cow.
What are these? These are vegetables.
What is it? It is a white dog.
What are these? These are color pencils.
What is it? It's a pink flower.
What is this? This is milk. Milk is white.
What is this? This is the sea. The sea is blue.
What is it? It is an apple. Apples are red.
What is this? This is a blue window.
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