Types of Subordinate Clause & Verb Tense


Flashcards on Types of Subordinate Clause & Verb Tense, created by Sarai Ortiz on 15/03/2017.
Sarai Ortiz
Flashcards by Sarai Ortiz, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by (umbr)ella over 10 years ago
Sarai Ortiz
Copied by Sarai Ortiz almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Where do you find a subordinate clause? In a complex sentence
Conditional Subordinate Clause Starts with 'if'
Relative Subordinate Clause Starts with a relative pronoun (who, which,whose, that) and adds extra information about the noun
Non-finite Subordinate Clause Starts with a verb ( present tense, past participle or infinitive)
Adverbial Subordinate Clause Answers questions such as why, when and what for. Also includes a subordinating conjuction
Infinitive (eat) Verb without adaption for subject/number, etc. To Eat
Simple Present (eat) I eat
Simple Past (eat) I ate
Present Progressive (eat) I am eating
Past Progressive (eat) I was eating
Present Perfective (eat) I have eaten
Past Perfective (eat) I had eaten
How to tell if something is in the Passive Voice? Object comes firt and the subject isn't mentioned until after the verb or not at all. Can test by adding "by zombies". For example, the pizza was eaten by zombies
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