
Phrasal Verbs list Over to You, Unit 1
Carmen Palacios
Flashcards by Carmen Palacios, updated more than 1 year ago
Carmen Palacios
Created by Carmen Palacios almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Get on (well/badly) with Llevarse bien/mal con
Get together Quedar, salir con amigos
Look forward to + V-ing Estar deseando
Put forward Sugerir
Build up Aumentar
Come around Dejarse caer (inf.), visitar
Take after Parecerse a
Hang out (slang) pasar el rato, salir con amigos
Catch up (with a friend) Catch up (on so´s news) Alcanzar Ponerse al día
Rush around Ir deprisa y corriendo
Dumb down Bajar el nivel Simplificar
Give up Dejar de hacer algo, abandonar
Find out Descubrir
Meet up (with so) (informal) Quedar
Look up Buscar en el diccionario
Go off Apagarse, Estropearse, echarse a perder (comida)
Check out Comprobar, verificar
Blow away Deslumbrar
Count on Contar con , Confiar en
Go on Seguir, continuar
Help out Ayudar
Come up with Inventar, elaborar, maquinar, urdir (un plan)
Start out Empezar
End up (intransitive) Acabar en, terminar en, resultar Ex., He ended up being a poor man
Turn into Convertirse en
Think about Considerar, ocurrírsele (a alguien)
Put up with Tolerar, aguantar
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