Verbos Ingles I


Ingles INGLES (Fichas) Flashcards on Verbos Ingles I, created by Roberto Panizo Rodriguez on 12/05/2016.
Roberto Panizo Rodriguez
Flashcards by Roberto Panizo Rodriguez, updated more than 1 year ago
Roberto Panizo Rodriguez
Created by Roberto Panizo Rodriguez about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
nivelar to level off
invertir to invest (in'vest)
mojar to dunk (dank)
escoger to pick (pik)
sorber to slurp (sle:p)
insistir /enfatizar to stress (stres)
siesta to sonooze (snu:z)
alertar /avisar to alert (a'le:t)
cerrar de un portazo to slam (slaem)
h to sightsee
glasear to frost (frost)
esperar to hope (haup)
cubrir to cover ('Kavar)
emparejar to match (maech)
responder to answer ('a:nsar)
subir to rise (riz)
desarrollar to develop (di'velap)
sobreproteger to overprotect
librarse /deshacerse to get rid off
preocuparse to worry ('ware)
llegar to turn up (ta:nap)
adivinar to guess (ges)
contratar to hire ('haia)
despreciar to despise (dis'paiz)
ofender to slight (slait)
evaluar to asses (a'ses)
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