Pasado simple negativo 4


Traducir las oraciones en pasado simple negativo
Catherine Escobar
Flashcards by Catherine Escobar, updated more than 1 year ago
Catherine Escobar
Created by Catherine Escobar over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Entrenador, ellos no completaron el entrenamiento Coach, they didn’t complete the training.
No soñé contigo esta vez I didn’t dream of you this time.
Ellos no se rieron de mis chistes They didn’t laugh at my jokes.
No leíste el libro, ¿o sí? You didn’t read the book, did you?
Te dije que no abras esta puerta I told you not to open this door.
No seguimos las instrucciones, pero creo que lo hicimos bien We didn’t follow the instructions, but I think we made it right.
Ally no consiguió el empleo Ally didn’t get the job.
Ni siquiera te toqué I didn’t even touch you.
Ella no se enamoró de ti She didn’t fell in love with you.
Yo no dibujé esto I didn’t draw this.
Tú no me hiciste sentir mal, no te preocupes You didn’t make me feel bad, don’t worry.
Yo no probé el sushi I didn’t try the sushi.
Yo no escribí mi reporte, le pagué a alguien más para hacerlo I didn’t write my report, I paid to someone else to make it.
Ustedes no escuchaban música pop You didn't listen to pop music.
Mi perro no cavaba agujeros en el jardín My dog didn't dig holes in the garden.
Ella no regó las plantas She didn't water the plants.
No hablamos sobre eso We didn't talk about it.
Oscar no reparaba computadoras Oscar didn't fix computers.
Mi hermana no cocinaba My sister didn't cook.
Jonhson no me devolvió mi dinero Johnson didn't pay me back.
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