

glossary abour education and religion.
Flashcards by sofia4314, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sofia4314 over 9 years ago

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Ana Sofia Carranza Glossary 10th D
Bilingual education Involves teaching academic content in two languages, in a native and secondary language with varying amounts of each language used in accordance with the program model. IGA has Bilingual education .
Charter schools Public schools that are operated like private schools by public school teachers and administrators. Charter schools in USA are popular.
Church A life encompassing religious organization to wich all members af a society belong . The church is a place where people of a certain religion attend to pray.
Cognitive ability Capacity for thinking abstractly set of all mental abilities and processes related to knowledge: attention, memory and working memory, judgment and evaluation, reasoning. Cognitive ability can become also as an study of the mind.
Cooperative learning Classroom in wich students work in groups with teachers as guides rather than as controlling agents. Cooperative learning is a good method to teach.
Cult A religious organization whose characteristic are not drawn from existing from religious traditions whitin a society . Cults bring something new to the larger religious.
Education The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. All the children should receive Education.
For-profit schools Schools run by private companies on government founds. For-profit schools rapidly grew in number and size in the late twentieth century.
Hidden Curriculum Refers to the unwritten, unofficial, and often unintended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn in school. Some private institutions have hidden curriculum.
Integrative curriculum An approach to education based on student / teacher collaboration. My teacher was involved in integrated curriculum.
Knowledge The fact or state of knowing; the perception of fact or truth; clear and certain mental apprehension. The teacher has a lot of knowledge about the topic.
Meritocracy An elite group of people whose progress is based on ability and talent rather than on class privilege or wealth. Meritocracy in many countries has increased according to the abilities of each student.
Magnet schools Public schools that focus on particular disciplines or areas such as fine arts or science. Magnet school should be promote in all the countries.
Open classroom Large group of students of varying skill levels would be in a single, large classroom with several teachers overseeing them. Guatemala should have open classroom in all the schools.
Manifest function An action that produces an intended and recognized result . Manifest function should have good results.
Latent function An action that produce an unintended and unrecognized result. Latent function is a social phenomenon that is unintentional .
Educational equality Condition in wich schooling produces the same results for lower class and minority children as it does for other children. Educantional equality should be promoted in all the countries .
Compensatory education Specific curricular programs designed to overcome a deficiency. Compensatory education present to the students an equal opportunity to develop their potential.
Educational equality Condition in wich schooling produces the same results for lower class and minority children as it does for other children. Educational equality is the most important for the children for they have the same opportunities .
Denomination One of several religious organizations that most members of a society accept as a legitimate. Members of denomination are voluntary .
Schooling Instruction, education, or training, especially when received in a school. the act of teaching. Schooling at home is important.
Multicultural education An educational curriculum that emphasizes differences among gender, and racial categories. Multicultural education has to be promoted in all the schools.
Cultural bias The unfair measurement of the cognitive abilities of people in some social categories. Cultural bias could help to the student to development their abilities.
School desegregation The achievement of a racial balance in the classroom. School desegregation can help to students feel comfortable and have better oportunities.
Religion An unified system of beliefs and practices concerned with sacred things. Exist many religions in the world.
Self-fulfilling prophecy A prediction that results in behavior that makes the prediction come true. Self-fulfilling prophecy sometimes can affect to the student .Depending of the comment of the teacher.
Sacred Holy set apart and given a special meaning that goes beyond, or trascends immediate existence. The Holy Bible is sacred in some religions.
Tracking System of separating students into groups or classes according to scholastic ability. Tracking is based on test scores and early school performance.
Profane Non sacred. The profane is opposity of the sacred. Profane action is very different to sacred.
Monotheism As belief in the existence of one god or in the oneness of God. Monotheism is considered one of the most predominant practices in religion world.
Polytheism Polytheism refers to the worship of or belief in multiple deities usually assembled into a pantheon of gods. Mayan culture is characterized by polytheism.
Sect A religious organization whose characteristic are not drawn from existing religious traditions within society. Sect are created by groups with differents toughts that want to stablished a new religious faith.
Religiosity Ways in wich people express their religious interests and convictions. Religiosity is demonstrated by constant prayer.
Secularization Process through wich the sacred loses influenced over society . Nowadys secularization is most popular for all the problems that happen related with the members of a special religion.
Fundamentalism The resistance of secularization and the rigid adherence to traditional religious beliefs , rituals and doctrines. Fundamentalism actually has taken an important role.
Protestant ethic A set of values , norms , beliefs, and attitudes stressing hard work , thrift and self disciplies. Protestant ethic persons have disciplined characteristics.
Voucher system System in wich public school funds may be used to support public , private , or religious school. Voucher system can be used to cover or reimburse home schooling expenses.
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