

money, otros
Flashcards by diegobm693, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by diegobm693 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
air steward azafata
take of despegar
landing aterrizar
track pista(atletismo)
pitch campo(deporte)
beat ganar
get injured lesionarse
hyphen guión
full stop (.) punto
choking atragantarse
shop till caja registradora
greedy avaricioso
loan prestamo
mortgage hipoteca
mall centro comercial
earn ganar(dinero)
blow soplar/ malgastar dinero
to waste malgastar
be worth estar valorado (precio)
borrow prestar
inherit heredar
invest invertir
charge cobrar
owe deber(dinero)
lend/lent/lent prestar
save ahorrar
shares acciones
afford permitirse
tax impuesto
note billete
loan préstamo
poison(ous) veneno/venenoso
scared/frightened miedo
breed raza
backpack mochila
hitchhiking autostop
acquaintance conocido
give up dejar(voluntariamente)
set up empezar un negocio o configurar(PC)
turn up venir
looking after cuidado
shelves/shelf estanteria/s
carpet alfombra
tent tienda de campaña
outdoor calle(coloquial) en plan no decir i like be in the street si no i like be outdoor
lift ascensor
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