Lesson 32


Método Callan
Christian  Dávila Torres
Flashcards by Christian Dávila Torres, updated more than 1 year ago
Christian  Dávila Torres
Created by Christian Dávila Torres about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
estación STATION (steishon)
millonario MILLONAIRE (miliener)
muy VERY (very)
alegre MERRY (merry)
feliz infeliz HAPPY (japy) UNHAPPY (anjapy)
pobre POOR (puer)
historia STORY (SStury)
colina HILL (jél)
granja FARM (farm)
risa LAUGH (laaFF)
polo POLE (pol)
mejor... que peor... que BETTER... THAN (beTer... dan WORSE... THAN (wors... dan)
el mejor el peor THE BEST (da best) THE WORST (da worsT)
juego GAME (gueim)
rugby RUGBY (rugby)
golf GOLF (golf)
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