verb + preposition


IELTS Inglés Flashcards on verb + preposition, created by Manuel L on 03/02/2021.
Manuel L
Flashcards by Manuel L, updated more than 1 year ago
Manuel L
Created by Manuel L over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Accused... ...of
Aimed... The film is aimed at people under 25
Apologize... ...for
Applied... ...for
Blamed... ...for Everybody blamed me for the mistake
Borrow... ...from
Complain... ...about Ím going to complain to the manager about this
concentrate... ...on I can't concentrate on what I'm doing with all this noise
consists... ...of The exam consist of speaking and writing
cope... ...with
criticized... ...for the government was heavily criticized for not acting faster
deal... ...with My children have had to deal with a number of challenges
faced... ...with I was faced with a pile of work
focus... ...on I want to focus on my work for the next few weeks
identify... ...with which historical figure do you most identify with?
insist... ...on He insisted on paying for everything when we went out
named... ...after I was named after my grandfather
protect... ...against Eating tomatoes are said to protect the body against certain diseases
lend... it's rarely a good idea to lend money to a friend
rely... ...on I know I can rely on you to keep a secret.
specialize... my brother is a lawyer who specializes in criminal law
take revenge... ...on his ex-wife took revenge on him by cutting up all his suits
translate... ...into I need to translate this document into German
vaccinate... ...against I was vaccinated against covid 19
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