Phrasal Verbs 1


Phrasal Verbs list: English - Spanish
Ismael Gutiérrez
Flashcards by Ismael Gutiérrez, updated more than 1 year ago
Ismael Gutiérrez
Created by Ismael Gutiérrez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
APOYAR (de respaldar) BACK UP (The new evidence backs up my arguments)
Hacer copia de seguridad de un archivo BACK UP (You should back up those files as a safety measure)
DEJARSE LLEVAR (por la emoción) BE/GET CARRIED AWAY (I ordered too much food, I think I was carried away)
TO EXPLODE BLOW UP (The bridge blew up)
HINFLAR BLOW UP (He blew up the balloon)
ROMPERSE (emocionalmente) BREAK DOWN (She broke down and wept)
AVERIARSE BREAK DOWN (My car broke down on the way to work)
FRACASAR BREAK DOWN (The talks have broken down)
TIRAR (algo) ABAJO BREAK DOWN (The police broke down the door)
ALLANAR (un sitio) BREAK IN (Thieves broke into the museum at night and stole the painting)
INTERRUMPIR, CORTAR (una conversación) BREAK IN (I was reductant to break in on their conversation)
DESPRENDERSE (un trozo de algo) (emocionalmente) BREAK OFF (A long piece of ice had broken off from the iceberg)
DETENERSE (en una conversación) BREAK OFF (She broke off in the middle of setence)
DESATARSE, ESTALLAR BREAK OUT (The fire broke out in the early morning)
EVADIRSE, ESCAPARSE (de la cárcel, de una norma) BREAK OUT (A prisioner has broken out)
ABRIRSE CAMINO BREAK THROUGH (The crowd break through the barrier)
ROMPER (un relación) BREAK UP (He has broken up with his girlfriend)
TERMINAR, ACABAR, CERRAR BREAK UP (The meeting broke up at 4 a.m. When the schools breaks up, holidays begin)
DESINTEGRAR, HACER PEDAZOS BREAK UP (He broke up the old furniture and burn it)
SACAR (un producto del mercado: libro, película...) BRING OUT (She has brought out her last book last week)
SACAR A LA LUZ, HACER PÚBLICO BRING OUT [+ into the open] (It's time it was brought out into the open)
EDUCAR, CRIAR (a alguien) BRING UP (Her parents brought her up to be polite)
SACAR A RELUCIR, PRESENTAR (algo) BRING UP (Bring the matter up at the next meeting)
AUMENTAR (to increase) BUILD UP (Traffics builds up in the late afternoon)
CREAR (algo) Y HACERLO (CRECER) MÁS FUERTE GRADUALMENTE BUILD UP (His father built up that grocery business from nothing)
IRRUMPIR EN UN LUGAR SIN AVISO BURST IN / INTO (The side door of the bar flew open and a man burst in)
PASARSE (por un sitio) CALL IN (Will you call in at the supermarket for some eggs?)
CANCELAR CALL OFF (The party's been called off)
PASARSE A VER, VISITAR A ALGUIEN CALL ON (I'll call on him tomorrow)
CEDER LA PALABRA CALL ON (The magistrate finally called on the prosecution to open their case)
PEDIR (a alguien públicamente a que haga algo) CALL ON (The UN secretary called on both sides to stop fighting)
CUIDAR = to look after CARE FOR (The nurse will care for you)
QUERER TENER CARIÑO CARE FOR (I don't care for him enough to marry him)
CONTINUAR CARRY ON (You should carry on working)
DIRIGIR (un negocio, etc.) CARRY ON (He carries on a bussiness as a grocery)
PONERSE DE MODA CATCH ON (The fashion soon caught on)
ENTENDER, DARSE CUENTA, PILLARLO CATCH ON (He's a bit slow to catch on)
ALCANZAR, PONERSE AL MISMO NIVEL CATCH UP WITH (We soon caught up with the car in front)
DEJAR LA HABITACIÓN CHECK OUT (To leave a hotel after paying)
PAGAR (después de coger todo lo que se quiere) CHECK OUT (I had already checked out when I remenbered we were out of milk)
DESPEJAR (el tiempo) CLEAR UP (If the weather clear up, we'll go for a pinic)
ORDENAR CLEAR UP (Clear up this mess)
TROPEZARSE, ENCONTRARSE (con alguien) TO MEET COME ACROSS (He came across some old friends)
ACOMPAÑAR COME ALONG [+with] (Come along with me)
PROGRESAR, IR TO PROGRESS COME ALONG (How are things coming along?)
BAJAR, DECRECER COME DOWN (Houses prices have come down recently)
ENFERMAR, CONTRAER COME DOWN WITH (I think I'm coming sown with flu)
CAERSE, SOLTARSE COME OFF (His shoe came off)
TENER LUGAR, SUCEDER COME OFF (The gamble didn't come off)
APARECER, ENTRAR EN ESCENA COME ON (They waited for the comedian to come on)
¡Venga! Hurry up! Don't be ridiculous! COME ON (Come on, the taxi is waiting)
SALIR (libros, películas, sun and moon) COME OUT (When does their new album come out?)
REVELARSE, SALIR A LA LUZ COME OUT (The truth was finally come out)
TO BE REMOVED, SER ELIMINADO COME OUT (This dirty mark won't come out)
HACER UNA VISITA COME ROUND TO / COME TO (Come round and see us soon)
VOLVER EN SÍ to regain consciousness COME ROUND TO / COME TO (After receiving anesthesia, don't expect to come round at least twenty minutes)
ACERCARSE COME UP (A young girl came up to me and asked for money)
SER MENCIONADO COME UP (What issues come up at the meeting?)
TENER QUE LIDIAR CON UN PROBLEMA (to have deal with a problem) COME UP AGAINST [sth] (If you come up against difficulties, let me know and I helped you)
OCURRIRSE (una idea) TO THINK OF, TO PRODUCE COME UP WITH (He's come up with a great idea)
CONTAR CON TO RELY ON (a person or happening) COUNT ON (I'm counting on yoy to persuade her)
TACHAR CROSS OUT (He crossed out all her mistakes)
ATRAVESAR UN LUGAR CUT ACROSS [STH] (If we cut across the field, it will save time)
INTERRUMPIR LA FUENTE DE ENERGÍA CUT OFF (I was cut off in the middle of the phone call)
TALAR, CORTAR CUT DOWN (He has cut down the apple tree)
REDUCIR (una cantidad) CUT DOWN (I haven't given up something, but I'm cutting down)
PARAR DE FUNCIONAR (debido a un dispositivo o sistema de seguridad/emergencia) CUT OUT (The engine cuts out)
DEJAR DE CUT OUT (I've cut out smoking)
TRATAR DE DEAL WITH (This book deals with methods pf teaching English)
ABORDAR, OCUPARSE DEAL WITH (She deals with all the customer inquires)
SUPRIMIR, ABOLIR, ELIMINAR, ACABAR CON TO GET RID OF DO AWAY WITH (They did away with uniforms at that school years ago)
ABROCHAR ALGO DO UP (Do your coat up. It's cold outside)
PASAR SIN, ARREGLÁRSELAS SIN, PRESCINDIR DE DO WITHOUT (We'll just have to do without a phone) (If you're too lazy to fecth the ice cream you can just do without)
DETENERSE, PARARSE (vehículo) DRAW UP (We drew up outside the house)
ALINEAR, DISPONER, REDACTAR, PREPARAR PONER EN UN ORDEN ACEPTABLE DRAW UP (They drew up the soldiers in line) (The solicitor drew up a contract for them to sign)
ENDEREZARSE DRAW UP (He drew himself up to his full height)
AFRONTAR, PLANTAR CARA FACE UP TO (She had to face up to a difficult situation)
PICAR, DEJARSE ENGAÑAR FALL FOR (I made up a story to explain why I had not been at work and he fall for it)
ENAMORARSE DE, TO FALL IN LOVE FALL FOR (He has fallen for your sister)
REÑIR, PELEARSE FALL OUT (She has fallen out with Sam again)
IRSE A PIQUE, FRACASAR (un plan) FALL THROUGH (Our plan fell through)
LLEVARSE BIEN, INTEGRARSE FIT IN [WITH] (smb) (She doesn't fit in with the other children)
PEGAR CON ALGO, ENCAJAR FIT IN [WITH] (smth) (It's very nice sofa, but it doesn't fit in with the rest of room)
COMUNICAR, HACER ENTENDER GET ACROSS (smth) TO (smb) (the lecturer was struggling to get his point across)
TO REACH LLEGAR A, ACCEDER, ALCANZAR GET AT (smth) (The farm is very difficult to get at because it is so remote)
TO SUGGEST, TO IMPLY GET AT (What are you getting at?)
HUIR, ESCAPAR, DARSE A LA FUGA GET AWAY [from] (We walked to the next beach to get away from the casuals)
DESCONECTAR GET AWAY [from] (I just need to get away for a few days)
(poder) SALIR GET AWAY [from] (I usually get away from the office at four-thirthy)
SALIR IMPUNE, QUEDAR SIN CASTIGO GET AWAY WITH (Murder is so serious crime and people rarely get away with it)
DEPRIMIR, DESANIMAR GET DOWN (Working in this place really gets me down)
PONERSE A, EMPEZAR A TRABAJAR EN ALGO (seriamente) GET DOWN TO (I want get down to some work)
TENER ÉXITO EN ENTRAR A UN SITIO GET IN (They got in through the bathroom window)
LLEGAR (a un sitio en una tiempo en particular) GET IN (My train got in at 9:45 p.m.)
SER SELECCIONADO GET IN (He wanted to go to Cambrigde University but he didn't get in)
LLAMAR, HACER VENIR (a una persona) GET IN (The television is broken, we need to get in a man to repair it)
PONERSE (ropa, etc.) GET INTO (Get into your pijamas)
PASARLE ALGO (EXTRAÑO) A ALGUIEN "¿QUÉ MOSCAR LE HA PICADO?" GET INTO (I don't know what has got into him)
BAJARSE DEL COCHE GET OUT (Stop at the corner so I can get out)
SALIR, ESCAPARSE GET OUT (No one knows how the lion got out)
SALIR A LA LUZ, HACERSE PÚBLICO (información) GET OUT (I've o idea how word get out that you were leaving)
LIBRARSE, EVITAR, AHORRARSE GET OUT OF (I wonder how can get out of wasting the dishes?)
RECUPERARSE, REPONERSE, SUPERAR (enfermedad, sorpresa, decepción...) GET OVER (I can't get over her leaving suddenly)
HACERSE ENTENDER, COMPRENDER GET OVER (We must get over our message over to general public)
QUITARSE DE ENCIMA, TERMINAR, ACABAR CON GET OVER [WITH] (I'm not looking forward to this meeting, but let's get over [with])
ENGATUSAR, CONVENCER GET ROUND (She can always get round her grandfather by giving him a big smile)
RESOLVER, SALVAR (un problema) GET ROUND (We can easily get round these few difficulties)
PODER HACER, ENCONTRAR TIEMPO PARA HACER ALGO GET ROUND TO (I don't know when I'll get round to painting the door)
TERMINAR, DEJAR LISTO GET THROUGH (We got through a lot of work today)
APROBAR (un examen) GET THROUGH (Luckily she got through her history test)
LLEGAR (normalmente con dificultades) GET THROUGH (The food through to fort despite the enemy's attempts to stop it)
HACERSE ENTENDER, LOGRAR COMUNICAR CON GET THROUGH (I just can't get through for her anymore)
REUNIRSE GET TOGETHER (A few of us are getting together next week for a barbacue)
QUITAR, QUITARSE, SACAR GET OFF (I can't get my boots off)
CAMBIAR DE TEMA GET OFF (We've rather got off the subject)
PONERSE DE PIE GET UP (Terry got up and walked over to the window)
LEVANTARSE DE LA CAMA GET UP (Get John up at seven o'clock)
ACELERAR GET UP (We soon get up to maximun speed)
ARREGLAR, ORGANIZAR, PREPARAR (algo) GET UP (We must get up some sort of celebration for him when he leaves)
REGALAR, DESHACERSE DE GIVE AWAY (I'm going to give all my old clothes away to charity)
REVELAR, DESCUBRIR, DEJAR ESCAPAR GIVE AWAY (He gave away our hiding-place)
RENDIRSE GIVE IN (You'll never guess the answer - do you give in?)
CEDER GIVE IN (We will never give in to terrorism' demands)
ENTREGAR (algo) A ALGUIEN (con autoridad) GIVE IN (Do we have to give in our books at the end of the lesson?)
DEJAR DE, ABANDONAR GIVE UP (They gave up the search)
RENUNCIAR A GIVE UP (I won't give up all my hobbies for you)
ENTREGAR, RENUNCIAR, SACRIFICAR TO HAND OVER GIVE UP (He was eventually persuaded to give up the stolen jewels)
DEDICAR, SACRIFICAR, CONSAGRAR GIVE UP (He gave up all his time to gardening)
DAR POR GIVE UP [ + as ] [ + for ] (You took so long for arrive that we had almost given you up for lost)
EMPEZAR A HACER ALGO, SEGUIR ADELANTE GO AHEAD (We have permission to go ahead with project)
ADELANTE, something that you say to someone to allowthem to do something GO AHEAD (Can I borrow your book? Sure, go ahead!)
PASAR (el tiempo) GO BY (The days went by really slow)
BASAR UNA OPINIÓN EN GO BY (We can't go by what he says)
SEGUIR, GUIARSE POR GO BY (I always go by the instructions)
HUNDIRSE, SER DERROTADO (con alguien, con algo) GO DOWN WITH (If our company goes down, our subsidiaries will go down with us)
CAER EFERMO GO DOWN WITH (Roger went down with flu)
TIRARSE SOBRE, ATACAR GO FOR (The two dogs went for each other as soon as they met)
ELEGIR ALGO GO FOR (I don't know wether to go for the fish or the meat)
IRSE GO OFF (She went off with Laurie)
APAGARSE (la luz o máquinas) GO OFF (The heating goes off at ten o'clock)
EXPLOTAR, DISPARARSE GO OFF (A bomb or gun goes off)
SALTAR, DISPARARSE UNA ALARMA O UN RUIDO GO OFF (His car alarm goes off every times it rains)
ESTROPEARSE LA COMIDA GO OFF (That milk has gone off)
PERDER EL GUSTO POR ALGO GO OFF (I've gone off that game show, it's just the same every week)
DURAR (periodo de tiempo) GO ON (The speech seemed to go on forever)
PASAR, SUCEDER, TO HAPPEN GO ON (What's going on?)
SEGUIR, CONTINUAR GO ON (We can't go on living like this)
HABLAR SIN PARAR GO ON (She goes on and on about her health)
BASAR EN (una investigación) GO ON (The police find very few clues to go on in their search for the murderer)
EXAMINAR, ESTUDIAR, REVISAR GO OVER (I want to go over the work you have done before you do anymore)
REPETIR, REPASAR GO OVER (I'll go over the whole lesson again)
ENUMERAR, RECAPITULAR GO OVER (He went over her faults)
TENER BUENA/MALA ACOGIDA (a play, behave/behaviour, etc.) SER BIEN/MAL RECIBIDO GO OVER (The play didn't go over at all the first night)
REGISTRAR, REBUSCAR GO THROUGH (I've gone through all my pockets bu I still can't find my key)
PASAR POR, SUFRIR GO THROUGH (You have no idea what I went through to get this finished in time)
GASTAR GO THROUGH (We went through a lot of money on holiday)
CUMPLIR, TO COMPLETE GO THROUGH (You have to go through certain formalities to get a visa)
CONCLUIR, HACERSE, TO BE COMPLETED GO THROUGH (After long hours of negotiations, the deal went through)
SUBIRSE POR LAS PAREDES GO THROUGH THE ROOF HIT THE ROOF (She hit the roof when he forgot their wedding aniversary)
ENTREGAR, TO SURRENDER HAND OVER (The handed the thief over to the police)
ENFRENTARSE (a una cosa futura, una situación) HEAD FOR (They're heading for disaster if they're not careful)
GO SOMEWHERE, START A JOURNEY, LEAVE A PLACE HEAD OFF (What time are you heading off?)
ESCONDER, GUARDARSE, OCULTAR TO REFUSE TO TELL SOMENONE HOLD BACK (The police were convinced that the man was holding something bacl)
CONTENER, REPRIMIR, RETENER TO PREVENT FROM HAPPENING BEING SEEN, ETC (con esfuerzo) HOLD BACK (The little girl succeeded in holding back her tears)
REFRENAR, IMPEDIR TO PREVENT FROM MAKING PROCESS HOLD BACK (I meant to finish cleaning the house, but the children have held me back all morning)
ESPERAR HOLD ON (Hold on I'll just check my diary)
AGARRAR(SE), SUJETAR HOLD ON [+ to] (She held on to me to stop herself slipping)
MANTENER A DISTANCIA KEEP AWAY (Keep away from the crocodiles)
MANTENER ATRÁS NOT TO ALLOW TO MOVE FORWARD KEEP BACK (She kept the child back on the edge of the crowd)
OCULTAR NOT TO TELL OR KNOWN KEEP BACK (I feel he's keeping the real story back for some reason)
RETENER NOT TO GIVE OR PAY OUT KEEP BACK (Part of my allowance is kept back to pay for my meals)
LIMITAR TO CONTROL OR PUT A LIMIT ON KEEP DOWN (They are taking steps to keep down the rabbit population)
MANTENER EN EL ESTÓMAGO TO DIGGEST WITHOUT VOMITING KEEP DOWN (He has eaten some food, but he won't be able to keep it down)
MANTENER A DISTANCIA, TO STAY AWAY KEEP OFF (The rain kept off and we had sunshine for the wedding)
NO DEJAR ACERCARSE, NO DEJAR ENTRAR KEEP OFF (This umbrella isn't pretty but it keeps off the rain)
IR AL MISMO PASO, MANTENER EL RITMO, SEGUIR KEEP UP WITH (She was walking so fast I couldn't keep up with her)
ESTAR AL CORRIENTE KEEP UP WITH (It's important to keep up with international news)
DERRIBAR KNOCK DOWN (He was angry with the man that he knocked him down)
REBAJAR, REDUCIR EL PRECIO KNOCK DOWN (She bought a coat that had been knocked down to half price)
DEJAR SIN CONOCIMIENTO KNOCK OUT (The boxer knocked his opponent out in the third round)
ELIMINAR DE UNA COMPETICIÓN KNOCK OUT (That team knocked us out in the semifinals)
VOLCAR, TIRAR KNOCK OVER (The dog knocked over a chair as it rushed past)
OMITIR, EXCLUIR NOT TO INCLUDE OR PUT IN LEAVE OUT (You're left out a word in that setence)
BAJAR, TO LOWER LET DOWN (She let down the blind)
FALLAR, DERAUDAR LET DOWN (She felt he had let her down by not coming to see her performance)
DESINFLAR LET DOWN (When he got back to his car, he found that some children had let his tyres/tires down)
ALARGAR LET DOWN (She had to let down the childs shirt)
HACER EXPLOTAR, ESTALLAR. TO FIRE (a gun) OR CAUSE (a firework, etc) LET OFF (He let the gun off accidentally)
PERDONAR, TO ALLOW TO GO WITHOUT PUNISHMENT LET OFF (The policeman let him off (with a warning))
LIBERAR ESTRÉS, TO RELEASE OR GET RID OF EXCESS ENERGY, EMOTION, etc LET OFF STEAM (The children letting off stem by running about in the playground)
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