Daily routin


My daily routin
Michelle Cruz
Flashcards by Michelle Cruz, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Michelle Cruz
Created by Michelle Cruz over 4 years ago
Michelle Cruz
Copied by Michelle Cruz over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
I am sleep
I am get up at 6:00 a.m.
I am brush my teeth
I am shower
I am dress up
I am breakfast
I am leave my house at 6:35 a.m
I take the taxi
I go to school
I am study
I talk with my friends
I am play with my friends
I am play futball soccer
I am draw and paint
I am work in the school
I am drink you every day
i am way to my taxi base after school
I do my homework at home
I am eat after school
I eat fruit every day
I am use the daily telephone
I go out with my boyfriend
I am go out with my friends
I am chat with my friends
I am spend time with my family
I am play with my pet
I am play free fire
I am play videogames
I listen to music
I eat junk food
I work every Saturday and Sunday
I am dry my hair
I am comb my hair every day
I wash my hands before eating
I put on makeup
I am cook every day
I feed my dog ​​every day
I water my plants on Tuesdays
I am watch TV after school
I am fold clothes on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
I am wash clothes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
I am wash dishes every day
I am iron clothes on Saturday
I am play with my brothers
I am check my social networks
I am take photos
I am watch videos on Facebook
I am go shopping with my mom on weekends
I am watch movies at night
I am bath my dog
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